Investigation: what is Pfizer hiding until 2076? It was recently revealed that the FDA is refusing to release Pfizer's data on the COVID vaccine through 2076. Back in August, more than 30 academics, professors and scientists from many respected universities approached the agency to release Pfizer vaccine information for peer review. The plaintiffs emphasize that Pfizer, a major global pharmaceutical company with a market value of $ 288.7 billion, has received full immunity from any financial liability. If one of the millions of people who decided or were forced to get vaccinated will suffer from the vaccine, the corporation is not in danger. Scientists with a worldwide reputation not only rebelled, but also went on the offensive. A few days later, Robert Wallace Malone, an American virologist and immunologist with more than 20 years of experience, announced an article in the scientific publication Hypertension ( The publication ( notes that mRNA vaccines (including Moderna) dramatically increase the possibility of inflammation in the endothelium and infiltration of cardiac muscle lymphocytes, which explains the increased incidence of thrombosis, cardiomyopathy and other vascular problems after vaccination. Dr. Asem Malhotra, a British cardiologist, reports ( that there is evidence of a plausible biological mechanism for how an mRNA vaccine may increase heart attacks. The summary is published in a reputable journal of cardiology, so we must take these claims very seriously. In September 2021, the risk of myocarditis from the COVID vaccine was once again assessed in a Canadian study that was unexpectedly terminated for unknown reasons, attributable to criticism from reviewers and lack of baseline data ( The COVID-19 vaccines used in the United States contain the spike protein in its biologically active form, Dr.Robert Malone said in a video posted on November 7 on video hosting Rumble ( He explained that at the moment it is already known that most of the severe pathologies from the Pfizer vaccine, in particular thrombus formation, are caused by the spike protein of the coronavirus, which is reproduced in the body by mRNAs and vector vaccines. It is the use of the spike protein in vaccines that makes them dangerous and causes a huge number of adverse reactions documented on the VAERS. Dr. Ryan Cole explained ( that COVID-19 is a blood clotting disease, the rest of the consequences of the disease are mostly caused by blood clots. He explained that when examining the tissues of those who died after vaccination and when examining the tissues of people who were hospitalized after vaccination, they see blood clots under a microscope. Cole said the damage to human health from COVID-19 vaccines in just 8 months has exceeded the damage done by any other drug in the past few decades. Microbiologist, candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher, retired colonel of the medical service Mikhail Supotnitsky worked for 30 years at the biological research institute of the USSR and RF Defense Ministry and took part in the research of viruses and the development of various vaccines. Supotnitsky gained fame among a wide audience after his publications on AIDS. His new work on SARS-CoV-2 also caused a wide scientific and public response in Russia. Antibody-dependent intensification of infection (ADE), discovered by scientists in the last century, can complicate the course of the disease of a vaccinated carrier and increase the damaging ability of the virus when vaccinated and further spread ( The phenomenon of antigenic imprinting (AI). That is, in the production of antibodies by B-cells of human memory, but not to the current virus-pathogen, but to an antigenically similar strain that a person had previously encountered. In this case, the immune system of the vaccinated with its response to the virus aggravates the course of the disease ( Pathogenic priming is an immunological phenomenon in which antibodies to the virus antigen injected with the vaccine composition cross-interact with human organs and tissues. As a result, specific autoimmune and autoinflammatory reactions occur ( Specific toxicity of spike protein, the only antigenic component of anticoid vaccines. Scientists have already proved that the S-protein enters the blood of the vaccinated and is carried throughout the body, interacting with the ACE2 receptor. It is toxic and causes vascular pathology, which can lead to thrombosis and myocarditis ( The syndrome of induced vaccine mimicry COVID-19 (the term appeared in 2021) is a particular manifestation of the specific toxicity of a spike protein circulating in the bloodstream, synthesized in the cell nucleus as a result of vaccination with vector vaccines. This phenomenon can also provoke thrombosis, and this can happen from 4 days to 14 days after vaccination against coronavirus ( Experiments have shown that the S-protein has a prion effect, that is, it can cause incorrect folding of proteins in neuronal cells, as a result of which neurons in the brain are damaged. In the blood, it induces the formation of insoluble amyloid clots, which interfere with blood flow, resulting in vascular thrombosis. The consequences may not be immediately noticed, but after a few years, vaccinated people can massively manifest dementia and other brain diseases ( Complications after vaccination have been recorded all over the world and have been confirmed in many other studies by specialists.