Critics of conspiracy journalism lagged behind for 20 years I tried to analyze the criticism voiced against conspiracy journalism from the so-called "normal" people. And I came to the conclusion that these people are at least 20 years behind the perception of modern technological progress. I have already written many times that the conspiracy theorists are ultimately right. And now we are witnessing an attempt to hold an international summit dedicated to the UFO problem under the auspices of the UN. Critics of conspiracy theories usually scoff at the topics of human chipping and genetic manipulation. But literally during this year, nanochipping technologies were made public. Moreover, there are several types at once (biological, cybernetic, graphene). In the minds of ordinary people, a chip is a semiconductor device that cannot be placed in a human body. But as modern research shows, nanochips can not only modernize human DNA, but also act as factories for nano-assembly of molecules in the victim's body. All this is achieved through protein and graphene materials. Other types of nanochips can spread through the air and infect people, as well as affect electronics. There are also combined techniques that allow you to place surveillance cameras even in salt crystals. In other words, the victims of genetic manipulation and espionage are not even aware of the chip's infection. The latest nanochips change not only human DNA, but also his behavior. They can make deadly illnesses and mental disorders. All these decades this having in the hands of special services. And only this year it was made public. Mainly because of the "Havana Syndrome" and the fact that China is also actively involved in these dangerous manipulations.