The universe learns itself Stephon Alexander, a physics professor at Brown University, has taken over the bizarre research. In the preprint of the article, Alexander and the team, instead of trying to figure out what the laws of physics are at work in the universe, ask why the physical world is governed by certain laws and not by some other. As a result, the researchers came to the conclusion that the physical world is not the only true reality, it is the result of many repetitions of the Universe trying to establish laws that did not work. According to Alexander, our universe has probably acquired the characteristics of many possible universes. It ended up in a configuration that was stable and allowed universe to develop consistently. Researchers compare this process of trying, failing, and retrying to an arcade game with a very large extra life. The universe is always able to keep trying. In this regard, the universe learns what works and what doesn't as it develops. Since the universe does not have a teacher, but it learns its lessons along the way, researchers call this self-education. The team started by understanding that physical theories can be viewed as matrix models. A vast matrix could contain all the possible laws that could govern the universe. The mathematics of matrix theory seems to contain some components of a specific type of neural network, Alexander said in an interview with New Scientist ( If the researcher is right, then we humans are not able to see everything that the universe has learned. Perhaps there are other corners of the universe where other interesting things have happened that are completely radical from our point of view. So there is no reason to believe that the universe chose to study the laws that allowed life and consciousness to arise. Confirming a theory of a self-learning universe would not necessarily rule out Einstein's or Hawking's theories, but it would definitely confirm that physicists should explore ideas that go far beyond traditional boundaries.