Why life time has time sped up? Many people notice that time moves faster and faster. People of conservative professions are especially susceptible to this. It was noticed that the same type of regulated work carried out in the same way over the past 50 - 100 years began to take more time. The first to notice this was the beacons keepers and the keepers of the old drawbridges. Oddly enough, the rules of time published in the past do not coincide with the passage of time today. For a long time, scientists believed that this was due to the aging of people. But as it turned out, this is only half the truth. Time really flows differently. It has been noticed that the number of scenes with dialogues in old black-and-white films is multiples higher than in modern two-hour films. I did the experiment with the hourglass created in 1989. Soviet measuring instruments have always been distinguished by their accuracy. The clock error is stated as 30 seconds for 20 minutes. Today, in 2021, the difference in the 2018 mobile phone stopwatch and the hourglass was two minutes in 15 minutes! Then I took a digital watch from 1996 and measured the time difference with the cell phone. The difference was 0.30 seconds + 0.02 per button press. According to eyewitnesses, the older the hourglass, the greater the time difference. You can do this experiment yourself. Researchers in this regard declare several additional factors at once. The first thing scientists say is that our Sun attracts the Earth. Every year our planet changes its rotation speed, approaching the star. The more the distance decreases, the slower the Earth rotates around the Sun. Consequently, the more the rotation speed slows down, the more noticeably the speed of time accelerates. The day is still 24 hours, but this is not the 24 hours that were 50 or 100 years ago. It is impossible to notice this process with conventional methods, because the process goes beyond the boundaries of the organs of touch. And for this you need to conduct a global space exploration. The second factor influencing the acceleration of time is the so-called pulse of the Earth. When it was opened in the 1950s, it was 7.8 beats per second. And that was until 1980. In other words, it is a resonance between the Earth and a layer of charged particles at an altitude of about one hundred kilometers in the ionosphere. And when a solar magnetic storm occurs, the planet's pulse is greatly accelerated, reaching 13 beats per second. Which temporarily accelerates the passage of time, making 24 hours of time actually 18 hours. This corresponds to an epoch of one and a half billion years ago, when the day also lasted 18 hours. The Greeks also left interesting information about the slowing down of the Earth and the acceleration of time. In the 8th century BC. they performed and recorded the most accurate calculations of lunar and solar eclipses. From what it turned out that our Earth has slowed down by 6 hours since that time! This theory was actively supported by the Soviet physicist Albert Viktor Veinik. He argued that the Earth is aging and the intensity of processes on it is slowing down due to the fact that real time began to accelerate. He calculated that in a century, days increase by 1/500th of a second. The gravity of the receding Moon strongly influences the slowing down of the Earth by the acceleration of time. Thus, it can be argued that our means of measuring time deceive us. First of all, an atomic clock. After all, the vibration of atomic nuclei also completely depends on the system within which they are located. In our particular case, this is the planet Earth and the gravitational forces slowing it down. This is why it seems to us that people are living longer. Although, in fact, time is simply compressed faster and faster. Therefore, save your time!