Village note # 2 I use traffic-limited internet in the village. I have about 100 megabytes of internet per month. I am using BBS / Gopher / IRC. I must say that BBS eats up quite a lot of traffic. Compared to other internet protocols. You cannot leave the MRC chat and leave. In a couple of hours, the chat will eat about 20-30 megabytes. This is possibly due to the many ANSI graphics on the BBS and MRC. 20-30 megabytes for three hours of active communication in MRC is a lot. This problem will be relevant for everyone who has restrictions on traffic and Internet speed. Loading all the additional images when entering and exiting the BBS also eats up a lot of traffic. ANSI graphics take a long time to load, much like images on websites. In principle, there is no difference. For me now the speed of BBS and the speed of Web sites are the same. Apparently the old BBSs weren't overloaded with ANSI graphics like the new BBS stations. I remember the times when the BBS was fast at 14400. But times are changing. In any case, I am having some problems. Here is an observation ...