Each black hole is a gateway to another universe The new theory claims that each black hole is a gateway to another universe. The new theory was developed by Jorge Pullin of Louisiana State University and Rodolfo Gambino of the University of the Republic of Uruguay. The two scientists decided to study the predictions of the theory of quantum gravity in black holes. In particular, they applied the equations of quantum gravity in a non-rotating black hole with spherical symmetry. As described in other theories, as matter approaches the core of a black hole, the gravitational field becomes more and more powerful, but it does not disappear into the singularity of spacetime, as the prevailing theory claims. According to the results of a study by two researchers, matter does not disappear in the middle of the hole, but continues its way up the other end to another universe. According to the new equations, the matter that black holes consume and seemingly destroy is actually displaced and becomes the building blocks for galaxies, stars and planets in another reality. Essentially, each black hole contains a smaller alternate universe. And our universe could simply exist inside a black hole in a galaxy in a much larger universe. So, within 100 billion galaxies in our known universe, there are 100 billion universes in galactic black holes in our universe, with another 100 billion galaxies, each of which contains a different universe with a large number of galaxies, and so on endlessly. In addition, a recent study published in the scientific journal Nature shows that our entire universe could have been born from a black hole in another universe. In other words, the Big Bang was really just an extension of a black hole in another universe.