Lightning kills 12 sheep on farm in New Zealand Source: ( After a weekend away, Ohingaiti farmers Margaret and Bruce Goodwin made a shocking discovery while checking their paddocks last Monday. Twelve sheep carcases lay beneath a totara tree, consisting of three ewes and nine lambs. All lay spread out around the tree, and it was believed they were struck by lightning after taking shelter during a large thunderstorm. Margaret Goodwin said she had consulted her local vet and fellow farmers around their community but the incident was a first for them. They believed the sheep were resting up against the trunk of the tree, which conducted the lightning bolt. "It was just devastating. "We wondered if they had eaten something bad or if they had been attacked but there were no lacerations or bullet holes. "They also ate the same food as the cows and they are alive and well." The Goodwins had spent the weekend in Feilding, attending a motor racing event at Manfeild. They had been told about the enormous thunderstorm over Ohingaiti. Margaret Goodwin said the sight of the sheep dead beneath the tree was quite upsetting. "We were gobsmacked. We have been farming here for 50 years and we have never even heard of stock being struck by lightning." Federated Farmers Manawatu/Rangitikei's meat and wool chair Ian Strachan said instances of stock getting struck by lightning were possible but extremely uncommon. "It is certainly something I have never come across personally. "Sheep are very similar to human beings in their behaviour related to the weather. When it is hot, they will try to find some shade and when there is bad weather, they will take shelter where they can." Strachan also noted the severe financial cost a loss like that would be for a farmer, with more than $1000 in stock dead. The Goodwins said the carcasses were too bloated to be used for anything and instead were buried on their property.