Hell: Ayatollahs bomb cities with protesters 1) Power has been cut in Mahabad and they are bringing weapons of war to murder Iranian Kurds. An Iranian Kurd wrote;"we gave our blood for all of Iran, please don't leave us alone!" https://twitter.com/i/status/1594073994453557248 2) Nov 19 - #Mahabad, NW Iran This is not a horror movie, this is Mahabad minutes ago! - The electricity has been cut off - Tanks have been deployed - Kalashnikovs and guns are in hands of security forces (terrorists) - People have no weapons to fight back. https://twitter.com/i/status/1594077846569222146 3) The Islamic Republic has attacked the city of #Mahabad with heavy artillery and is shooting at the houses of innocent people! The Islamic Republic is slaughtering innocent people! Be the voice of the people of Mahabad! https://twitter.com/i/status/1594076402763984898 4) Breaking: The situation in Kurdistan, west of Iran, is critical. The Iranian regime is attacking protesters again after killing at least 30 over past 2 days; tonight it is reported they have attacked the cities of Mahabad and Piranshahr with heavy guns. https://twitter.com/i/status/1594099506907213825 5) Reports of STRONG explosion in Tehran, Iran. https://twitter.com/i/status/1594066641570402304