Russia: Sputnik V data still unreleased Chief Researcher, National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya, Professor of Virology Anatoly Altshtein urged not to hide (, but to publish the results of research on the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine ( Recall that the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, in response to a request from State Duma deputy Alexei Kurinny, stated that the results of clinical trials are confidential and contain information constituting a trade secret. Therefore, the provision of these data to persons who are not developers of the drug is not provided for by law. The deputy sent an appeal to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation about the concealment of publicly significant information. Earlier, a similar answer was given to a request from State Duma deputy Vladimir Plyakin. The Ministry of Health believes that giving people data means sowing doubts in them ( In Russia, an interesting situation has developed with covid vaccination. Authorities and developers claim that the Russian vaccine is the best and most effective, but there are no test results. At the same time, statistics show that in the most vaccinated regions, the mortality rate is the same as in the most unvaccinated ( That is, the increase in vaccination does not reduce mortality at all. This may be due to both the lack of effectiveness and the fact that covid has an insignificant effect on the increase in mortality - within the limits of statistical error. At the same time, under the conditions of mass vaccination, the overall mortality rate in Russia has greatly increased. If in 2020 there was an increase of 19%, then in 2021 it will still be the same, and in two years it will reach almost 40%. This is one of the worst results in the world. Which absolutely does not converge with statements about the high effectiveness of Russian vaccines. It is not surprising that the authorities hide Russia's information about them.