Trudope is coming for your hunting rifle Source: ( Trudeau: "There are some guns, yes, that we're going to have to take away from people who were using them to hunt." Apparently some hunting rifles are simply "too dangerous" for civilians to own, but don't worry, Justin will let you keep the not-so-dangerous ones...until they become too dangerous too. I must admit that I'm looking forward to the "logic" used to determine how one sort of hunting rifle is "too dangerous" for civilians to use. I'm thinking they're going to look at caliber and barrel length as they are hard to get around and easy to wipe out huge numbers of rifles in a go. If I was going to boil the frog then I would start with declaring that any rifle barrel longer than 18 inches and any caliber bullet greater than .308 were "bad" hunting rifles. This would only eliminate a small percentage of hunting rifles, thus resulting in not too much grumbling coming from the population since the majority of hunters would breath a sigh of relief that their rifles were spared and thus not put up too much of a fight. From there, it would be a simple case of just slowly turning up the heat - ban 10 gauge shotguns and any shotgun slug weighing an ounce or more, which would eliminate most shotgun slugs. Next would be another attack on the rifles, going after .308, 30.06, 30-30 and slugs in that general caliber. After that we would have to ban 18 inch barrels and any shotgun load which weighs an ounce or more. Rinse and repeat until your down to 16 inch barrels firing .22 and then finish the job with a total long gun ban - the frog has now been boiled alive and by the time it realized what was happening, it had no ability to escape the pot. Mind you, I just described a smart approach which involves a knowledge of firearms - Trudope isn't smart and knows nothing about firearms.