Ex employee CIA confirms troops casualties after encounter with UFO Forensic neuroimaging expert Christopher Green says he has dealt with 'hundreds of patients' who were injured or died after interacting with UFOs. 'I'm the go-to physician in the Department of Defense for unexplained morbidity and mortality,' he told DailyMail (https://bit.ly/3JFIyKV) in an exclusive interview. 'I do look at injuries and mortality from unidentified UAPs (unidentified aerial phenomena),' he added. Green, a professor at the Wayne State School of Medicine in Detroit, was in 2010 commissioned to write a paper by a secret $22M defense program. He described symptoms of multiple sclerosis, brain damage, and burns among patients from '[Close Encounters of the Third and Fourth Kind] events'. He said symptoms of many of the cases were similar to 'Havana Syndrome' - a mysterious illness affecting diplomats and US officials in embassies around the world. Green said many of his patients experienced burns and brain damage and that around one in ten died within seven years of their reported encounter.