New bad data about Covid vaccines - big media review 1) More than 769 athletes ( have collapsed on the field during a game from March 2021 to March 2022, and an updated report by ‘Good Sciencing’, a team of investigators, news editors, journalists and “truth seekers,” has detailed 890 cardiac arrests and other serious issues among athletes (, including 579 deaths (, following COVID-19 shots. Meanwhile, an investigation conducted by ‘The Expose’ has uncovered that FIFA football deaths in 2021 were 300%/4x higher than average rate recorded between 2009 and 2020, with the number of deaths occurring in December 2021 alone equalling the annual average for the last 12 years ( 2) Project Veritas has obtained a recording ( of an AstraZeneca company-wide zoom call held on 3 December 2020. In the recording CEO Pascal Soriot said that people with immune deficiencies should not receive the “vaccine.” This contradicts guidance from health officials such as the World Health Organisation (“WHO”). 3) An American pilot who almost died mid-flight from a cardiac arrest likely caused by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” has come forward to share his story with the alternative media ( Since the mainstream media is refusing to even touch the story, American Airlines Captain Robert Snow took the opportunity to talk to Stew Peters about it in a recent interview, which is available through Steve Kirsch’s website ( In a nutshell, Snow is incensed over the fact that the United States government is forcing pilots to take the injections – against the law, just to be clear – in order to keep their jobs. The rule is egregious, tyrannical and simply makes no sense from an epidemiological perspective that assumes the injections actually provide protection (which they do not). 4) For anyone under 80, COVID “vaccines” are deadlier than COVID itself. It turns ( out that the risks associated with getting injected if you are under the age of 80 far outweigh any alleged benefits, new research has found. As to when a person breaches the age of 60 is there even the remotest chance that a Fauci Flu shot will do anything other than potentially cause blood clots or a heart attack, the evidence shows. COVID “vaccines” also cause AIDS.