Why is 5G a weapon? Information leak For weapons expert Mark Steele, 5G constitutes (https://bit.ly/3xOABzg) a heinous crime. He said 5G is a compartmentalized weapons deployment system that masquerades as a benign technological advancement for enhanced communications and faster downloads. Steele said 5G has the capability to target, acquire and attack vaccinated individuals through the nano-metamaterial antenna in Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines. The Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) will need 5G networks to maintain geo-position and navigate their environment to the target because these weapons cannot rely simply on satellite communications, which can be affected by inclement weather events and signal latency. A weapon can be a device, tool or action fashioned to cause physical or psychological harm. People in the United Kingdom have been concerned about its dangers and "conspiracy theorists," as the media tried to paint it, have been accused of attacking cellphone towers (https://bit.ly/3njcmnS) in an attempt to stop 5G rollout. "The compartmentalization of weapons systems development has played a crucial role in not alerting those within the regulatory authorities and telecommunications industry to the real purpose and intentions of those ultimately driving and funding the deployment of 5G and biological chemical weapons masquerading as COVID-19 vaccines for a planned control and command kill grid," (https://bit.ly/3xX5cdW) Steele wrote in his report about 5G. He also said the world is blindly following the plans of the technocratic elite and the military-industrial-pharma complex to terminate large numbers within populations across the world. Steele said 5G is a weapon system and a crime against humanity. "The prima facie evidence of this globalist depopulation agenda is unequivocal and should be tested in the courts so that the conspirators involved in this murderous plan can be brought to justice." Electromagnetic frequencies and their harmful effects The World Health Organization estimated in 2019 that around 30 percent (https://bit.ly/3u183l3) of the population in first-world countries are exposed to high levels of electromagnetic frequencies or EMFs, and therefore vulnerable to their harmful effects. The telecoms industry and other regulatory bodies have continually denied the real purpose and existence of the radiation dangers posed by the deployment of 5G technologies and have actively misled the public by issuing false press releases through media and in courts in various attempts at discrediting experts, including Steele himself.