Opinion: The Great Reset will turn the West into China The technocommunist police state known as China is offering us a glimpse of what is to come in the West if the WEF, UN, CRF, WHO, Gates et al. get their way. In utterly harrowing clips, Jennifer Zeng exposes how Chinese babies have been conditioned to mindlessly respond to a COVID test swap like they were Pavlovian dogs, while roving gangs of grandma COVID enforcer teams hunt down anyone not complying with the State: https://youtu.be/bOwbMhUJTfM This is precisely what the Cult sociopaths have in store for the entire planet. If parents refuse to train their offspring to be slaves of the State, then their social credit scores will reflect as much, and lifelong punishments will be meted out to these refusenik families. This hell on earth as imposed by a hyper-centralized government tyranny ends in eugenics-based democide and total cult mind control.