Big review of recent UFO incidents 1) Rectangle UFO Over Saint Paul, Minnesota Oct 20, 2022. Eyewitness states: Object just hovered no sound at all. Keeps coming back: 2) Former Navy Pilot Ryan Graves on His UFO Encounter 3) Mysterious Orb Fleet Over Brooklyn, New York July 6, 2022 4) "Racetrack UAPs" Reported by Dozens of Pilots and Commercial Flights. UAPs/UFOs now dubbed the "Racetrack UAPs" have now been reported by dozens of pilots from upwards of 15 different commercial flights in August and September, 2022 from off the coast of Japan to the mid-western U.S. We provide a detailed breakdown of the intensely bright UFOs that are described as revolving in a circular pattern. New videos from Hawaiian Airlines flights, Southwest Airlines, and a private Gulfstream 650 flight are presented and different theories are discussed. 5) UFO Flying saucer over Columbia, Missouri. Witness description: "Seen 3 of them in a row. Right after 5 fighter jets flew over heading north and very low. There were the only reason I was looking up." 6) On October 18 in the evening, footage of a mysterious flying object appeared on the social networks of the Samara region. On video clips of eyewitnesses, you can see how a luminous ball in the sky moves either to the right or to the left. Also, the inhabitants of the province were surprised by the fact that an unidentified object changed in size, then flared up, becoming a huge ball, then went out to a spark. The shooting was carried out, presumably in Chapaevsk, not far from the local training ground. In the comments, people admit that they see such phenomena not for the first time. "I saw it 3 times. It's over the training ground. They're probably testing something." - write local residents.