Post-jab prion disease case history in Sunnyvale Source: ( Prion diseases, which are always fatal, have been associated in the scientific literature with the COVID vaccination. For example, see Studies Link Incurable Prion Disease With COVID-19 Vaccines points out: The French study identified 26 cases across Europe and the United States. Twenty of the individuals had already died by the time the study was written, with death occurring, on average, 4.76 months after being vaccinated. Among the 20 deaths, eight of the individuals experienced sudden death, in an average time period of 2 1/2 months after vaccination. I've written about prion diseases before in PROOF: COVID vaccines cause prion diseases and, most recently, in this article: Twitter made a huge mistake. I was right about prion diseases. They were wrong. Surprised? Professor Byram Bridle speculated in May 2021 that the COVID vaccines would cause prion diseases. In this video, I interview the husband and mother of Tammy Pottorff about what happened to Tammy after she got the shot. Within a week, the signs of prion disease were present. To this day, the doctors at Stanford act completely clueless as to what might have caused Tammy's brain to fail. All the doctors refuse to consider it could have been the vaccine despite overwhelming evidence that these vaccines cause prion diseases. It simply couldn't be the vaccine but they won't say how they can rule this out. Richard Pottorff's wife came down with CJD, a fatal prion disease, a week after getting the shot CJD is extremely rare... 1 case per million people per year. There are many reports of this happening shortly after COVID vaccination. Here's a case history in Sunnyvale, CA of this happening. It looks like it won't be written up in the medical literature since nobody wants to talk about it. The doctors cannot figure out the cause or an effective treatment. It took 6 months for them to get an appointment because the neurologists are so overbooked due to a flood of neurological cases... they don't know why. None of the 10 doctors who looked at this case think there is any possibility it is the vaccine despite the medical literature showing dozens of such cases immediately starting right after the patient took the COVID vaccine. I wish I could interview these doctors on camera but you know what the chances of that happening are... zero. In this video interview, you'll hear from Tammy's husband and mother what they think about what happened to Tammy. Because of what happened to Tammy, about 10% of Tammy's friends won't be getting any further shots. The other 90% are not deterred by the story and want to be protected (even though there is no evidence that booster shots add protection). The one doctor who is aware of what is going on and told the family not to take the vaccine is not speaking out publicly because he doesn't want to have his medical license taken away. Since the doctors aren't going to write up this case history for the medical journal, the responsibility for surfacing these stories falls upon misinformation spreaders such as myself.