Over Europe again something is sprayed with terrible force At the end of December 2022, the wave of anomalous warming finally reached the western edges of Europe, moving forward from the far south of the Atlantic, and today the temperature is distributed as follows (French Source): https://twitter.com/DidierDerichard/status/1609857326181408773 In Turkey, strange longitudinal stripes appeared in the sky: https://twitter.com/i/status/1609623025325940737 https://twitter.com/i/status/1609623118154240000 After the planes spraying these streaks disappear, some strange fog begins to fall from the sky: https://twitter.com/i/status/1609798774464954368 Similar anomalies were observed in Serbia and France: https://twitter.com/Nika_Samotrake/status/1609869820115255297 https://twitter.com/GuillaumeJoube2/status/1609889224055996417 https://twitter.com/MrSea_/status/1605475081294974976