iRobot Roomba Vacuum cleaners secretely take photos in bathroom Source: ( Some people may feel uncomfortable using the bathroom in front of their pet dog, but most of us don't think twice when a Roomba is around. However, recently uncovered evidence may have people reconsidering that. According to MIT Technology Review's Eileen Guoarchive, images of people in intimate moments were collected by Roombas. iRobot the company which creates Roombas reported that the images were part of a program to develop AI capabilities for their Roomba J7s and the devices were labeled with a bright green sticker that said "video recording in progress." It was further explained that the images were sent to a startup called Scale AI and Venezuelan gig workers shared them in private groups on Facebook, Discord, and other platforms. After MIT Technology contacted iRobot, the CEO Colin Angle stated that they are terminating their relationship with the service provider, investigating, and taking steps to prevent similar leaks in the future