WHO has always known the truth about the dangers of vaccines Source: (https://bit.ly/3jVv3zP) What does it mean when the WHO starts recognizing the many serious and potentially deadly adverse effects of the vaccines that it so long championed? Pfizer knew. Bourla knew. Fauci knew. Birx knew. The CIA knew. The DoD knew. The WHO knew. The WEF knew. The UN knew. Everyone involved in PSYOP-19 knew, well before the virus was intentionally "leaked" in order to justify the slow kill bioweapon. The plan was always to slowly disclose the truth about this bioterror eugenics program. Birx was the first to be tapped on her shoulder: Dr. Deborah Birx: "I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection and I think we overplayed the vaccines …" Claims vaccines "protect against severe disease and hospitalization" before saying that 50% of those who died via Omicron were older & vaccinated: https://twitter.com/SKMorefield/status/1550586541239635969