;lcs - converts entire text to lower case; ; excluding what may be in quotes! ; ;written by: jalal raissi ; ;edit history: ; 1.0 01-jun-85 created. /jer ; UCS was GLOBALed with lcs and UPPER with lower via UCS.M68! ;format: ; .lcs filename ; .lcs test.bas ; vmajor=1 vminor=1 search sys search syssym .ofini .ofdef in,d.ddb ;input file .ofdef out,d.ddb ;output file .ofdef key,512. ;encryption key .ofsiz memsiz qt=d4 start: phdr -1,0,ph$ree!ph$reu ;program header getimp memsiz,a5 ;allocate impure area help: byp ;bypass leading white space lin ;end of line? jne getin ; no crlf ;newline typecr typecr typecr crlf ;newline exit ;exit getin: mov a2,a3 ;save line index fspec in(a5),bas ;process filespec init in(a5) ;load driver, allocate buffer getout: mov a3,a2 ;restore line index fspec out(a5),bas ;process filespec init out(a5) ;load driver, allocate buffer movw #[$$$],out+d.ext(a5) ;set output extension to .$$$ opnin: openi in(a5) ;open input file opnout: lookup out(a5) ;check for existence of output file bne 10$ ;not found dskdel out(a5) ;delete output file 10$: openo out(a5) ;open output file getbyt: ctrlc endfil ;branch on ^c filinb in(a5) ;read byte tst in+d.siz(a5) ;test for end-of-file beq endfil ;branch on end-of-file cmpb d1,#42 ;is it a " bne skpqt tstb qt beq set clr qt br skpqt set: movb #1,qt skpqt: cmpb d1,#12 ;is it a lf bne skplf clr qt skplf: tstb qt bne tty lcs d1 ;convert character to lcs tty: tty putbyt: filotb out(a5) ;output lcsed byte br getbyt ;loop till end of file endfil: close in(a5) close out(a5) ctrlc abort delin: dskdel in(a5) renout: mov in+d.fil(a5),out+d.ddb(a5) movw in+d.ext(a5),out+d.ddb+4(a5) dskren out(a5) exit abort: dskdel out(a5) exit end .