From: (Matthew Xavier Mora) Subject: OpenSelection Code (pascal source) Date: 11 Sep 92 17:11:08 GMT Here's the code to have the finder open a control panel. Just pass the control panel's fsspec to the openselection function and it should open it. Actually I think it will open any valid fsspec but I wouldn't bet on it. I haven't stressed this code so there are probably some bugs in it. Matt -------------------------------------------- { OpenSelection.p ported by Matthew Xavier Mora} { ported from C.K. Han's openselection.c code } { 09-11-92 } unit openSelection; interface uses AppleTalk, PPCToolBox, Processes, EPPC, Notification, AppleEvents, {, Errors, Events, Memory, Resources, SegLoad, } (* Group 3 *) Aliases {, thermometer}; function OpenSelection (var theFileToOpen: FSSpec): OSErr; implementation const kFinderType = 'FNDR'; kSysCreator = 'MACS'; kAEOpenSelection = 'sope'; aeSelectionKeyword = 'fsel'; { This runs through the process list looking for the indicated application } function FindAProcess (typeToFind, creatorToFind: Ostype; var processSN:ProcessSerialNumber; var infoRecToFill: ProcessInfoRec): OSErr; var tempPSN: ProcessSerialNumber; myErr: OSErr; begin myErr := noErr; tempPSN.lowLongOfPSN := kNoProcess; processSN.lowLongOfPSN := kNoProcess; processSN.highLongOfPSN := kNoProcess; repeat begin myErr := GetNextProcess(processSN); if (myErr = noErr) then myErr := GetProcessInformation(processSN, infoRecToFill); end; until ((infoRecToFill.processSignature = creatorToFind) or (infoRecToFill.processType = Longint(typeToFind)) or (myErr <> noErr)); FindAProcess := myErr; end; function OpenSelection (var theFileToOpen: FSSpec): OSErr; var aeEvent, aeReply: AppleEvent; aeDirDesc, listElem: AEDesc; interactErr: OSErr; dirSpec, procSpec: FSSpec; fileList: AEDesc; myReply: StandardFileReply; myErr: OSErr; process: ProcessSerialNumber; DirAlias, FileAlias: AliasHandle; infoRec: ProcessInfoRec; processName: Str31; fullPath, appName: Str255; myAddressDesc: AEDesc; begin interactErr := noErr; if (true) then begin infoRec.processInfoLength := sizeof(ProcessInfoRec); infoRec.processName := @processName; infoRec.processAppSpec := @procSpec; myErr := FindAProcess(kFinderType, kSysCreator, process, infoRec); if (myErr = noErr) then myErr := AECreateDesc(typeProcessSerialNumber, @process, sizeof(process), myAddressDesc); if (myErr = noErr) then begin { Create the FinderEvent } myErr := AECreateAppleEvent(kFinderType, kAEOpenSelection, myAddressDesc, kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, aeEvent); { If you want to keep talking to this machine, you can keep this } { address desc around } myErr := AEDisposeDesc(myAddressDesc); if (myErr = noErr) then begin { Now we build all the bits of an OpenSelection event. } { Basically, we need to create an alias for the item to open,} { and an alias to the parent } { folder (directory) of that item. } { We can also pass a list of files if we want. } { You'll notice that for opening a finder window, the file and} { directory alias both point at the } { folder itself } { make a spec for the parent folder } myErr := FSMakeFSSpec(theFileToOpen.vRefNum, theFileToOpen.parID, '', dirSpec); myErr := NewAlias(nil, dirSpec, DirAlias); { Create alias for file } { if you are opening a window, then you make the file alias the} { same as the dir alias } myErr := NewAlias(nil, theFileToOpen, FileAlias); interactErr := AEInteractWithUser(kAEDefaultTimeout, nil, nil); if (interactErr = noErr) then myErr := SetFrontProcess(process); { Create the file list } if (myErr = noErr) then begin myErr := AECreateList(nil, 0, false, fileList); { create the folder descriptor } HLock(Handle(DirAlias)); myErr := AECreateDesc(typeAlias, Ptr(DirAlias^), GetHandleSize(Handle(DirAlias)), aeDirDesc); HUnlock(Handle(DirAlias)); myErr := AEPutParamDesc(aeEvent, keyDirectObject, aeDirDesc); if (myErr = noErr) then begin { done with the desc, kill it } myErr := AEDisposeDesc(aeDirDesc); { create the file descriptor and add to aliasList } HLock(Handle(FileAlias)); myErr := AECreateDesc(typeAlias, Ptr(FileAlias^), GetHandleSize(Handle(FileAlias)), listElem); HLock(Handle(FileAlias)); myErr := AEPutDesc(fileList, 0, listElem); end; if (myErr = noErr) then begin myErr := AEDisposeDesc(listElem); { Add the file alias list to the event } myErr := AEPutParamDesc(aeEvent, aeSelectionKeyword, fileList); myErr := AEDisposeDesc(fileList); if (myErr = noErr) then myErr := AESend(aeEvent, aeReply, kAENoReply + kAEAlwaysInteract + kAECanSwitchLayer, kAENormalPriority, kAEDefaultTimeout, nil, nil); end; end; myErr := AEDisposeDesc(aeEvent); end; end; end; if (DirAlias <> nil) then DisposHandle(Handle(DirAlias)); if (FileAlias <> nil) then DisposHandle(Handle(FileAlias)); OpenSelection := myErr; end; end. .