/mac/util/comm/00index.txt This list is intended to include all and only the files within this directory. You may find that some of the paths listed here do not point to this directory. That is ok; the physical paths are given here but there may be a link in another location. If you find any problems or you wish to add to or change the descriptions given here, please do not hesitate to write comments@mac.archive.umich.edu. SIZE DATE (KBYTES) ARCHIVED COMPRESSION FORMAT(S) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /mac/util/comm/3270tn2.5b2.sea.hqx 720 1/2/96 BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive Installs a 68K, PowerPC, or works-on-everything version of Brown U's TN3270 program. This version supports the Drag Manager, no longer uses the config.tel file, and other nice enhancements. /mac/util/comm/800saywhat1.2.sit.hqx 40 10/25/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Converts alpha phone numbers such as 800-SO-APPL into their nuimeric equivalent. Shareware, $5 /mac/misc/demo/aeolusdemo.sit.hqx 1727 8/13/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Demo Fidonet gateway, compression and mailer software for Macintosh BBS systems. /mac/util/comm/anarchie1.60.sit.hqx 672 8/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Anarchie is an FTP and Archie client. It will let you browse FTP sites, download files, or find them using an archie server. It includes a menu listing all the Archie servers, as well as FTP bookmarks for all the popular Macintosh FTP sites (including around 40 mirrors to UMich and Info-Mac). Lots of enhancements to make it easier to use. /mac/util/comm/anarchie1.6smallwindows.sit.hqx 22 9/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Changes the look of Anarchie 1.6's FTP windows to be exactly the same size as the Archie windows; free. /mac/util/comm/apresfax.sit.hqx 79 3/18/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Control Panel and directions to have your Macintosh automatically startup when you receive a FAX. Requires a Macintosh w/ a Soft Power Switch and the Apres Control Panel. /mac/util/comm/ar8000kit1.01.sit.hqx 241 6/15/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 This allows you to use your AOR AR8000 wide band receiver and computer interface to do neat things. Shareware $30. /mac/util/comm/ara+1.03.cpt.hqx 69 12/18/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Display a status bar showing the state of AppleTalk Remote Access with a way to control this state: if your are connected to a remote host, you have a "Disconnect" button on the right of the status bar, else you have a popup of connection files. /mac/util/comm/archie0.9beta.cpt.hqx 55 12/16/92 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Query an Archie server to find files that are available via anonymous ftp. Requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/authmanplugin.sit.hqx 34 5/10/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 NCSA Telnet plugin (for versions 2.7b4 and higher) that will allow one to encrypt and/or authenticate to certain telnet hosts using Kerberos. Requires the Auth Man program, unavailable from the Mac /mac/util/comm/autoclock1.44.cpt.hqx 170 7/24/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Dial up one of 7 time servers worldwide to set your Mac's time precisely. This version fixes some bugs, especially with Australian time servers. /mac/util/comm/autograph2.0.sit.hqx 30 3/18/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Changes your signature in Eudora. You can drag and drop a text file onto Autograph and it'll change your Eudora signature to that. If you tell it to make a TEXT file into a signature, the next time you double-click on the file, the signature in Eudora will be changed to it; now you can have *random* sigs! /mac/util/comm/autographswedish1.2.cpt.hqx 48 9/8/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Same thing as Autograph (which changes your signature in Eudora), only this app has been localized to the Sweedish language. /mac/util/comm/autosendscript.sit.hqx 12 7/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Automagically sends file(s) to a pre-determined e-mail address. A Eudora script. Can be used for mailing groups. /mac/util/comm/autoshare1.0.sit.hqx 198 7/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A utility for the MailShare package (also available on the archive). With this package, you can have an auto-response system for e-mail, vacation mail and a listserver. Text and HTML documentation is included. /mac/util/comm/batchftp1.20.sit.hqx 80 4/16/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Script for Peter Lewis' Anarchie program which allows a user to batch-download a list of files from an FTP server; is customizable, integrated with Anarchie's bookmarks, uses drag-n-drop. /mac/util/comm/binhex4.0.hqx2 10 2/20/85 BinHex2.0 Converts Macintosh files of any kind into a text file which can then be uploaded to MTS. That text file contains all the information necessary in order to reconstruct the original file. Use this program to convert any files of type "BinHex4.0" (listed in this !INDEX) back into their original Macintosh form. CO/BINHEX4 is version 4.0 of BinHex, however it is encoded in BinHex2.0 format so that those with the older version can upgrade to 4.0. Version 4.0 is required in order to decompress 4.0 files. Version 2.0 will not work on any files other than CO/BINHEX4. /mac/util/comm/blacknight1.04.sit.hqx 588 2/4/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A VT100/VT220 terminal emulator which includes support for AppleScript; xmodem, ymodem, zmodem file transfers. Looks pretty slick. /mac/util/comm/bulkrate2.13.sit.hqx 512 2/29/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 BulkRate is an offline reader for FirstClass BBSs that runs on the Macintosh. It can capture messages for offline reading and replying, and can automatically retrieve attached files for you. /mac/util/comm/calleridremote1.2.sit.hqx 747 1/28/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 CallerID Remote allows any Macintosh user, with a SupraModem capable of callerID reception, to maintain a database of incoming calls, displayed with the caller's name, phone number, time of call, and date of call. CIDR also allows a pager user to have some or all callerID data transmitted to his or her pager. Requires 2MB RAM, SupraModem with CallerID feature, CallerID service from local phone company. /mac/util/comm/chat2.1pre12.sit.hqx 90 9/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Serve as a primitive IRC (Internet Relay Chat) host for multiple online discussions; requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/chatnetfree1.06.cpt.hqx 357 9/2/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Transfer messages and files between networked Macs. Free for 3 users. Can also create chat rooms as in online services. /mac/util/comm/chatter2.01.sit.hqx 198 9/8/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Send real time text messages to other computers running Chatter on an AppleTalk network. Includes an extension which notifies you of connection requests when Chatter isn't running. /mac/util/comm/commsservice3.0.cpt.hqx 1007 7/9/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An application (which looks and acts remarkably like Hypercard) which provides a "rolodex" like way to access communications services (like Telnet, ftp, etc.). Allows AppleScripting, drag & dropping between windows, multiple protocols, etc. Can be "locked" to allow novice users a headache free way to navigate into where you want them to be. Includes a bunch of Comm Toolbox tools and a couple fonts. /mac/system.extensions/controlstrip/csmodsarchive.sit.hqx 3 5/13/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Anarchie and Fetch bookmarks to the shareware Control Strip Modules Archive. /mac/util/comm/cterm2.2.cpt.hqx 44 3/10/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 CTerm allows your Mac to talk to IBM mainframes as if your Mac was a 3270 Terminal. You need System 7 or the Communications Toolbox installed. /mac/util/comm/cwrufinger1.0.sit.hqx 237 10/22/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A TCP based version of the Un*x "finger" command. Check login status, address, etc. of people on remote machines. /mac/util/comm/dalgate0.91b.sit.hqx 611 8/29/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 DALgate.acgi is an acgi (Asynchronous Common Gateway Interface) to be used with WebSTAR 1.2 or later. DALgate connects WebSTAR to a the Butler SQL server and returns results on-screen or by sending mail with Eudora. /mac/util/comm/datacomet4.19a.sit.hqx 368 1/8/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 This submission contains the distribution of dataComet, a Telnet application for the Mac derived from Comet. dataComet4.1.7A works well with Open Transport, providing an upgrade path for users of Comet. /mac/util/comm/dogxray1.0d1.sit.hqx 391 2/4/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A serial interface for the mac explicitly for communication to the PK-232. It's target is (amateur radio operators) who need a free packet interface. DogXRay utilizes the communications toolbox and requires the Apple Serial tool is required (not included). /mac/util/comm/easytransfer3.42.sit.hqx 584 10/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Exchange files between any two macs *anywhere* on the Internet; easy to set up, easy to use. Requires System 7 and MacTCP; much like FTP, but for Macs. Includes Drag & Drop utility to transfer files easily to the remote Mac, and compresses files "on the fly" /mac/util/comm/ecoppp.sit.hqx 61 8/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 PPP 'watchdog' monitors unexpected or too long PPP connections and allows user intervention to continue, close, or choose a time delay; if no one is 'home', then it will perform a PPP hard close, update a log and open it for viewing at next user session. /mac/util/comm/electronicgreetings1.1.sit.hqx 354 7/1/97 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Create personalized greeting cards and attach them to out-going email; recipient opens the 'card' by clicking on the attached file; will pass through any on-line system, according to author. /mac/hypercard/organization/etd1.1.sit.hqx 33 9/26/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A HyperCard stack that reads messages contained in Eudora mailboxes into a single tab- delimited field, return-delimited record file, ready for importing into a spreadsheet or database. /mac/util/comm/eudoraannouncer1.0.sit.hqx 18 3/19/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Eudora applescript that uses PlainTalk voice extension to announce arrival of new mail. Requires Jon's Commands OSAX, Eudora 1.5.1 or better, AppleScript, Speech Manager. /mac/util/script/eudoraconnect.sit.hqx 48 3/19/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Makes connecting w/ Eudora AppleScripted. /mac/util/comm/eudoraheadermaker1.01.sit.hqx 13 8/10/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Creates a file in which you can put lines that you want included in your Eudora email headers. /mac/util/comm/eudoralight1.53.sit.hqx 644 7/18/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 The freeware version of Eudora, which allows you to receive and send mail from your Macintosh via a POP server. No more mainframe editors or terminal emulators! Fat binary. /mac/util/comm/eudorapgpscripts1.5.sit.hqx 156 8/19/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Scripts to integrate pgp into eudora. Requires PGP and Eudora. /mac/util/comm/eudorapropgpscripts1.0.sit.hqx 49 9/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 AppleScripts to integrate MacPGP into Euudora. Requires PGP and Eudora Pro. /mac/util/comm/eudoraquotesettings.hqx 4 8/19/95 BinHex4.0 Allows you to change the character you use when quoting other people. All you have to do is drop it in your Eudora Folder and then go to the "Settings" /mac/util/comm/eudorarsvpprefs1.2.sit.hqx 7 6/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A Eudora settings file that allows you to change the "From:" line in the header. Includes minor bug fixes. /mac/util/comm/eumorpha1.4b5.sit.hqx 87 12/8/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Utility imports several file formats into Claris Emailer; can be used to burst digests in Emailer; supported formats include Eudora, Z-Mail, Pine, rmail, vm, techmail, and NewsWatcher. /mac/util/comm/ever1.2.sit.hqx 60 10/28/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Takes the currently selected message in EasyView, copies it, parses it to extract headers/body, creating a Eudora reply message with quotes; requires EasyView 2.6 or more, EudoraLite or Pro, Jon's Commands, Regular Expressions, and Tokenize. /mac/util/comm/fastmacv34araccl.sit.hqx 4 10/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Works with the "Fast MAC V.34" modem to get around the problem of it not supporting MNP 10 compression; works with ARA 1.0 and 2.0. /mac/util/comm/fernmail1.22.sit.hqx 208 10/23/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Lets you read and reply to email brought in by the Unix to Unix Copy Protocol (uucp) Requires at least a uucp connection of some sort. /mac/util/comm/fetch4.02.sit.hqx 1715 5/22/02 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 MacOS FTP client that works under System 7 up to OS X. You can move files between Macintoshes, remote UNIX or Windows machines. Handles scripting, URL's, resuming downloads, etc. /mac/util/comm/fingerserver0.4.sit.hqx 72 11/21/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Show lists of running processes and open files on a Mac when queried from a UNIX host. /mac/util/comm/firstclassclient2.6.cpt.hqx 506 11/6/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A client application which will allow you to hook up (via AppleTalk or modem) to First Class Bulletin Board systems. Version 2.6 includes the ability to connect over TCP/IP if if the remote server supports TCP/IP. /mac/util/comm/firstclassclient2.72it.cpt.hqx 900 9/25/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A client application which will allow you to hook up (via AppleTalk or modem) to First Class Bulletin Board systems. This copy is the italian language translation. Also includes all the modem strings needed for Italian lines. Fat Binary. /mac/misc/demo/formulaonedemo1.19.sit.hqx 528 3/31/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Communications module for BBS programs. Replaces TabbyNet and Call modules for Tabby and Copernicus. Also can be used with CounterPoint, MacWoof, Alice, Aeolus and Pizza. Demo expires after 11/96, allows sessions no longer than 15 minutes, and only one call per event. /mac/misc/demo/formulaonelitedemo1.19.sit.hqx 576 3/31/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Communications module which improves performance of a FidoNet point. It can be used as a replacement for the Call module of Copernicus, and also can be used with CounterPoint, MacWoof, Alice and Pizza. The demo stops working 30 days after it's first used, sessions can't be longer than 15 minutes, and the program expires after November of 1996, regardless. /mac/util/comm/freeppp2.5rf.cpt.hqx 384 5/21/96 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 The latest *release* version of FreePPP, it is a non-Merit/UM version of the Point to Point Protocol program (PPP) which allows connections to a TCP/IP network (such as the internet) using a modem. Once connected to the net, you may use all TCP/IP-aware programs like Fetch, Netscape, Eudora, etc. Supports Open Transport and many other goodies. Unfourtunately, it won't safely use most things written for earlier versions. /mac/util/comm/freepppadmin1.01.sit.hqx 33 11/12/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An application which replaces the Config PPP control panel in FreePPP, resulting in improved reliability. /mac/util/comm/genienav2.53.sit.hqx 332 9/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Allows Microphone II (version 5.x) users to take better advantage of GEnie (that fading-fast online service). Allows you to retrieve bulletin board and e-mail messages automatically to be read off-line, as well as lots of navigation helps and shortcuts. /mac/util/comm/geturl1.3.cpt.hqx 17 7/2/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An extension for EasyView or BBEdit which calls MacWeb or Anarchie to decode and retrieve files or directory listings using URLs. /mac/util/comm/geturlnetscapemeta.sit.hqx 8 8/8/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Modification of the "GetURL" and "GetURL/Netscape" extensions; instead of displaying a page saying "Click here to get that URL", will load the page automatically; requires Netscape1.1 or higher. /mac/util/comm/gifserv.sit.hqx 75 8/10/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 When used with MacHTTP, will allow server to send animated sequences of GIF images. /mac/util/comm/gps1.0.cpt.hqx 329 8/11/95 BinHqx4.0,CompactPro1.51 Display Global Positioning System (GPS) data on your mac. Requires a Sony IPS-3000 GPS Module to use. Inculdes instructions on how to make the Mac to IPS-3000 interface. /mac/util/comm/halsbookmarks2.01.cpt.hqx 19 5/15/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.50 Anarchie bookmarks; v.2.01b has a few more sites and a couple of corrected addresses. /mac/util/comm/hypernet1.01.sit.hqx 28 10/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Send messages to other users on a network. /mac/util/script/icscriptor1.0b1.sit.hqx 208 9/26/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 ICScriptor is a collection of pieces which allow one to access the Internet Config preferences from an OSA compliant scripting language. If the previous sentence doesn't make any sense to you, then you do NOT need ICScriptor! /mac/util/comm/immac1.0b28f.sit.hqx 200 9/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A mailer application for use by Radio Amateurs in a TCP/IP environment. To be used with /mac/util/comm/netmac. /mac/util/comm/infomacbookmarks4.0.sit.hqx 68 6/4/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Anarchie bookmarks for Info-Mac sites; contains complete directory structure of main site. (Should I say something here about there being no need for these when you have the great mac.archive around? *grin*) /mac/util/comm/internetdiary1.1.sit.hqx 19 10/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Diary for WWW and FTP addresses; v1.1 has new card manager, manages URL format, more. /mac/util/comm/internetlogger1.02.sit.hqx 111 4/28/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Keep track of time spent on internet accounts; useful for tracking long distance phone use or time spent on client accounts; tracks cumulative use and day and month use, automatically estimates session and cumulative costs, much more; requires System 7 or later. /mac/util/comm/internetlogger1.02de.sit.hqx 114 4/28/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 German language version of of Internet Logger (see description at /mac/util/comm/internetlogger1.02.sit.hqx . /mac/util/comm/interslip3comscript.sit.hqx 12 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A 3Com Terminal Server InterSLIP script. for use with InterSLIP. /mac/util/comm/interslipscripts1.3.sit.hqx 21 9/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Two InterSLIP scripts: The "Generic Modem Driver" script supports just about any type of modem and is superior to InterSLIP's built- in "Hayes Compatible" setting. The "Generic Gateway" script supports a number of SL/IP hosts, including The Internet Adapter (TIA). /mac/util/comm/interslipredial2.0.sit.hqx 5 9/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Dialing script (CCL) for InterSLIP. Better than built-in script in that it works better with all modems, displays status and error messages, hangs up properly, and redials when busy. /mac/util/comm/intersliptimer1.51.sit.hqx 80 3/3/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A small application that works w/ InterSLIP (required) to keep track of how much time you spend on your SLIP account. /mac/util/comm/ipmonitor1.0.sit.hqx 40 10/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Displays the current IP network address on desktop; requires System 7 and an IP network driver such as MacTCP or OpenTransport; scriptable, with examples included. /mac/util/comm/ircle2.5.sit.hqx 440 5/20/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An Internet Relay Chat client for the Macintosh. With handy windows for multiple channels, the names of the current users on the channels, DCC, etc. Fat binary runs native on both 680x0 and PowerPC computers running the MacOS. $15 shareware /mac/util/comm/ircle3.0b9.sit.hqx 1366 6/25/97 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An Internet Relay Chat client for the Macintosh. With handy windows for multiple channels, the names of the current users on the channels, DCC, etc. The author has assured me that this version is as good as a release version and has lots of new features since v2.5, like DCC resume, etc. /mac/util/comm/isdnserial1.01.sit.hqx 27 10/17/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Installs a driver which simulates a serial port and an attached modem using either an Apple ISDN Nubus card or Euronis Planet ISDN Nubus card; connection script for ARA is included. /mac/util/comm/joespager1.55.sit.hqx 784 8/12/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Sends messages from a Macintosh with a modem to alphanumeric pagers using Motorola protocols. Some features include: Group paging, messsage archiving, printed receipts, segmented long messages, and online help. Requires System 6.07 or later, Hayes compatible modem. Some incompatability with Teleport Gold II modems. /mac/util/comm/kermit0.99190.cpt.hqx 257 2/19/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Terminal emulator that supports Kermit-protocol file transfer. /mac/util/comm/larrysmacgps.sit.hqx 117 8/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An application to upload or download data from Global Positioning System (GPS) handheld receivers. FatBinary. /mac/util/comm/macbiff1.01.sit.hqx 53 1/29/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Notify a Mac user when new email comes in on their UN?X account. /mac/util/comm/maccallerid1.12.sit.hqx 297 9/9/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Allows you to get Caller ID information from your Mac, provided that you have a modem with Caller ID support and that you subscribe to the phone company's Caller ID service. /mac/util/comm/macfsp1.0b13.cpt.hqx 46 10/2/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An FSP client for the Macintosh. /mac/util/comm/macgnuucp6.09.sit.hqx 276 5/16/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A Macintosh port of the GNU UUCP code. Useful to send and receive electronic mail directly from a Macintosh to colleagues on USENET and the Internet. Requires a direct Mac-mainframe connection. /mac/util/comm/machttp2.2.sit.hqx 1249 5/8/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Serve hypertext documents to other World Wide Web (WWW) users; requires MacTCP. Includes runtime portions of AppleScript 1.1 and FrontMost 1.0 for use only with MacHTTP. FAT BINARY. /mac/util/comm/macicomcontrol1.00.cpt.hqx 36 9/4/95 BinHex4.0,Compact3.50 Communicate with and control an Icom radio. The radio must have a CI-V interface port. This is usually obtained with a UX-14 option. /mac/util/comm/mackermit991190.sit.hqx 476 11/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A file transfer program with error checking. Kermit is an error- checked file transfer protocol available for the Mac that is supported by MTS. MacKermit is not as elegant as many other terminal emulators that support Kermit (Red Ryder, VersaTerm, etc.), but it does support "Kermit Server" mode. It's a beta version, but then again, it's been that way for 6 years. /mac/util/comm/maclayers1.30.sit.hqx 199 6/9/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 UNIX-Mac program to allow multiple shell windows over serial links. Includes its own simple terminal program. You need to get the shell archive (.shar) file from our util/unix directory and compile it on your UNIX system, then fire up this Mac program. /mac/util/comm/macmail1.0.hqx 43 2/6/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Convert a UNIX mail file into a series of individual text files, each containing one message. /mac/util/comm/macph1.2.sit.hqx 170 10/4/95 BinHex4.0,Stuffit3.50 Allows you to query, and (if possible) log into a ph server. Comes with a long list of ph servers, and can even update it. /mac/util/comm/macbelppp2.20a.sit.hqx 91 8/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A (non-Merit) version of MacPPP bundled with many useful hacks by many programmers; includes improved windows, extended password functionality/background operation, better icons, high speed hacks, display of modem connect info; v2.20a fixes bug in high-speed port hack, fixes typos. /mac/util/comm/macbelppp2.20.sit.hqx 99 7/14/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A version of MacPPP (not an official Merit release, by the way) which "bundles" a bunch of additions and modifications that people have put together. Including improved windows, icons, extended password functionality and background operation, high speed hacks and display of modem connect info. /mac/util/comm/macpppcontrol1.4.sit.hqx 12 7/30/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 AppleScript Addition allows opening and closing PPP as well as checking its status; requires AppleScript. /mac/util/comm/macppptimer1.52.sit.hqx 84 4/9/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 MacPPP Timer is a utility application to be used with MacPPP that allows you to keep track of how much time you spend on your PPP account. It also has a floating palette that will always be in front of other windows and is a very handy way of controlling both the timing features and your connection. /mac/util/comm/mactcpswitcher1.1.sit.hqx 17 9/26/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A little program which makes it easy to save and quickly restore multiple MacTCP configurations. This is very useful for PowerBook users who carry their computers around and use them in different network connections (e.g. SLIP at home and LocalTalk or Ethernet at work). Requires System 7.0 or up. /mac/util/comm/macwais1.29.cpt.hqx 386 10/22/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Find, retrieve, and intelligently process information via the WAIS protocol. Is also EINet-authentication savvy, so is capable of communicating with EINet-secured WAIS servers; requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/macweather2.04.cpt.hqx 117 9/6/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Connect to an internet weather server and get current weather information/forcasts for a specified city; requires MacPlus or higher w/System7.0 and MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/mailcall1.0.sit.hqx 43 3/21/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 HyperCard mail notification program for use with UUPC 3.1. /mac/util/comm/mailconverter2.0.sit.hqx 180 9/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Convert mmdf and babyl mail files, and NewsWatcher save files, into sendmail format, suitable for use with Eudora. Will also burst Eudora digests (if properly formatted). Requires System 7. Changes include better memory management, FATness, support for Mac MS mail and more. /mac/util/comm/mailshare1.0fc5.cpt.hqx 105 6/6/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Internet (SMTP and POP3) mail server for the Macintosh. Requires System 7 or later, MacTCP and a Mac Plus or later. /mac/util/comm/maven2.0a37.sit.hqx 374 5/9/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An Internet audioconferencing tool. Use your Mac's microphone to communicate with another person (or a group)! Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs. /mac/util/comm/max.500v2.02.sit.hqx 563 10/1/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 X.500 Directory client used to get information on people (including email addresses) from organizations across the Internet. Requires MacTCP; for use at the University of Michigan only. /mac/util/comm/max.500v2.02nonumich.sit.hqx 429 10/1/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 X.500 Directory client used to get information on people (including email addresses) from organizations across the Internet. Requires MacTCP; for use everywhere EXCEPT the University of Michigan. /mac/util/comm/maxtf1.5.sit.hqx 2744 11/12/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 The MaxTF Combo Package is an integrated Telefinder BBS enhancer system. The package includes TF NNTP/FTP Client (allows FTP requests from local dial-up users), Renewal TF (provides caller log display and hourly quotes, etc), Itsy SitC Citer (generates ALLFILES, NEWFILES, and Daily new files lists), File Search Engine (allows fast searches of file descriptions), and the GoodNews NNTP Server! Due to large size, scheduled for removal 2/12/95. /mac/sound/midi/midiphone0.61.sit.hqx 168 6/28/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Send MIDI data over a telephone line using a modem; connection is bidirectional, so two may play simultaneously; allows users to type messages back and forth at the same time; not compatible with 660AV, 840AV or Power Macintosh. /mac/util/comm/modemserver1.0.sit.hqx 33 9/9/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An application which allows you to run multiple BBS systems with just one phone line (or more). When users connect to your modem, they can be presented with a menu of sites that you run. You can also add more nodes to your existing BBS without buying a Hurdler card. /mac/util/comm/mpack1.4.sit.hqx 54 7/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Mpack is a program designed to pack and unpack files into MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) standard electronic mail messages. /mac/util/comm/ncsatelnet2.6.sit.hqx 236 4/2/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 Provides interactive access from a Macintosh to telnet hosts on TCP/IP networks. Implements DARPA standard telnet. Allows simultaneous connections to many computers across the network, and includes a standard FTP server to allow you to transfer files. Full featured. Includes SLIP support. /mac/util/comm/ncsatelnet2.7b5.sit.hqx 369 5/10/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 The standard Macintosh telnet program! Emulates vt100, vt220, TEK, and some hybrids. Also supports kerberos authentication with encryption. Also has a built-in ftp server. FAT Binary. /mac/util/comm/netmac2.359.sit.hqx 384 4/14/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Created for ham-radio operators to use to hook a Macintosh to the 'packet-radio' wireless network. Net/Mac supports TCP/IP protocol. To use it, you'll need a) a ham-radio license, b) a transceiver connected to an antenna, and c) a TNC that supports the KISS protocol. /mac/util/comm/netpresenz4.01.sit.hqx 597 2/29/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Formerly known as FTPd, this fat app sets up your machine to be a Gopher, Web and FTP server (all via one application!). Requires System 7, MacTCP or OpenTransport, file sharing turned on. Allows you to log into other AppleShare servers on your network, change passwords on those logged-in servers, initial directories for users/groups/guests, Gopher protocol support (your Mac as a Gopher server, imagine that!), remote site access restrictions, MacBinary support. Version 4.01 now supports CGI scripts and native Open Transport. /mac/util/comm/netrpg2.55.sit.hqx 160 1/18/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An expansion on Chat 2.0.4, with many added features that make it suitable for playing RPG's over the Internet. /mac/util/comm/newsfetcher0.45.cpt.hqx 75 6/19/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A HyperCard stack to download news articles from a NNTP server and save them into digest text files. /mac/system.extensions/init/notifymail3.0.sit.hqx 272 1/8/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 This 68K & PowerMac native extension (and application combo) listens for a finger connection and gives notification of new email; requires at least System 7.0, MacTCP 1.1, Eudora 1.4 (optional), POP account on a UNIX or VMS machine. v 3.0 now supports MacSLIP and Open Transport. /mac/system.extensions/da/pagepal0.9.cpt.hqx 63 7/21/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 This handy little desk accessory will allow you to send alpha/numeric pages to anyone who uses a paging company that supports dialup transmission of pages via the Motorla TAP protocol /mac/util/comm/pancake1.0.sit.hqx 351 11/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A BBS system that supports Serial and TCP/IP (telnet in or out) logins, usenet capabilities, uucp mail and news, finger daemon in and out, and mail (via uucp, smtp or pop); many new features, bug fixes. /mac/util/text/pmwebsucker2.7.sit.hqx 67 8/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Takes Pagemaker files, sucks out the text, and makes a slew of HTML documents for the web; isn't that neat? Requires at least System7.0, HyperCard/Player2.2, AppleScript1.1, ProgressBar1.01, PageMaker5.0. /mac/util/comm/popmail2.2.sit.hqx 293 11/23/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An SMTP- (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and POP2/POP3/IMAP2- (Post Office Protocol) based electronic mail application. Requires MacTCP /mac/util/comm/ppp2.01.sit.hqx 165 10/30/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt1.51 A LAP (mdev) driver for MacTCP. A Mac implementation of PPP, the Point-to-Point protocol, which allows you to use TCP/IP over asynch serial lines (i.e. modems!). Allows your Mac at home to be a host on the Internet, so you can Telnet, FTP, Gopher, etc. Doesn't support AppleTalk over PPP, tho. /mac/util/comm/pppguardian.sit.hqx 28 10/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Patch and Applescript that will help to insure your PPP connection stays up. Requires: MacPPP 2.0.1, MacTCP, and AppleScript 1.1.1 /mac/util/comm/pppop1.32.sit.hqx 96 11/12/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Puts up a little button window and the button brings PPP up or takes it down without having to run the Config PPP control panel; requires the installation of MacPPP2.01 (or better); Version 1.3.2 is adapted for use with FreePPP 1.01, has some new features and fixes some significant bugs since 1.3. /mac/util/comm/prefixchecker1.10.sit.hqx 52 10/29/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Quickly determines whether a phone call is LOCAL or long distance; locates STATE and CITY of a phone number; v1.10 includes db for parts of northern CA and San Diego region, more; requires System 7 or better. /mac/util/comm/pretzel3.0b4.cpt.hqx 60 9/3/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A Prestel terminal emulator. Fat Binary for 68K and Power Macs. /mac/util/comm/publicaddressbbs1.0b4d6.sit.hqx 1409 2/29/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A fat binary pre-release demo of Public Address BBS Host software. It supports modem connections, ADSP and TCP/IP connections. Everything the user sees is controlled by modules. No limits on any of the features. /mac/util/comm/quickdnslt1.02.sit.hqx 163 12/2/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 The only (so far as this archiver knows) DNS server for the Mac. Is a cache-only DNS server, though (will perform the lookup, then store the address) Handy for a network with little bandwidth. DEMO version Requires MacTCP, and a dedicated IP address /mac/util/comm/romulan1.62.sit.hqx 16 9/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 An acgi applet for use with WebSTAR to lock access to specified pages on the WebSTAR site by examining the IP address/Domain name of the client making the request and to log the actions of clients accessing pages at the site. /mac/util/comm/scriptswitcher1.31.cpt.hqx 9 1/29/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Flip the creator & type fields of an ARAP script file to ttxt & TEXT, allowing easy manipulation of the file with any text editor. /mac/util/comm/seekanddestroyiii.cpt.hqx 52 7/3/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A demon-dialer. Start at a given phone number, then dial number after number looking for modems. /mac/system.extensions/cdev/serialspeed1.2.sit.hqx 169 6/28/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Allows AV and Power Macs to use their serial ports at 115Kbps or 230Kbps with any software that normally uses the serial ports at 57.6Kbps; now supports MacPPP, more. /mac/util/comm/siam2.52.cpt.hqx 594 9/16/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A client mac-like interface for (french ???) SIAM servers reachable by phone net, mainly, the Apple France's server (but it is not the only one here). All software and docs in French. /mac/util/comm/stmodulepak.sit.hqx 118 7/4/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A collection of Screaming Technologies latest modules for the Public Address BBS package; for use with Public Address v0.9b15 and later. /mac/util/comm/talk1.11.sit.hqx 81 7/1/93 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Yes... it's about time. A Talk client for the Macintosh. Now you can communicate like those Un*X geeks, provided you have MacTCP, of course. /mac/util/comm/talkshow1.0b.sit.hqx 52 2/18/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Uses the Communications ToolBox to connect to another mac running it, and allows you to send messages and send/draw pictures on eachother's screens. Will work over a 14.4, and the InterNet! Neat! /mac/util/comm/telefinderuser3.55.sit.hqx 1243 8/13/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Attached is the current version of SpiderIsland's mac software client for accessing TeleFinder bulletin boards. This version integrates tcp support for connecting with TF boards over the internet. Mail messaging has been improved as well. /mac/util/comm/texttermplusgraphic1.05.sit.hqx 913 9/21/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 TextTerm+Graphics is a VT100 and Tektronix terminal emulator and supports Apple's Communication Toolbox tools for modem, serial, and internet connections. /mac/util/comm/texttohtml1.23.cpt.hqx 117 7/30/95 BinHex4.0,Compact1.50 Quickly converts text or RTF files dropped onto its icon into HTML format; when converting multiple text at once, it also creates an HTML index file linking the files (complete with graphical bullets if necessary); automatically links images. /mac/util/comm/tftpd1.0.sit.hqx 20 7/22/94 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 A Macintosh TFTP (Trivial File Transport Protocol) server. (Has nothing to do with normal FTP.) Requires MacTCP. /mac/util/comm/timm1.04.cpt.hqx 285 2/18/96 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 "The Ideal Mac Mailreader". An offline mailreader for QWK mail BBS systems. Requires: /mac/util/compression/zipit1.35.cpt.hqx Shareware /mac/util/comm/uucopy.cpt.hqx 50 6/19/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 For use with System 7 and Mac UUCP, this beta version (it's also a "fat" binary) allows the user to select files for transfer via UUCP. Only copies data forks... looks somewhat clunky. /mac/util/comm/uucpsharemonitor1.2.sit.hqx 83 7/9/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Pair of small apps: 1 that allows you to use Eudora as a UUCP gateway and 1 that will sit in background a monitor for incoming UUCP mail. /mac/util/comm/uupc3.1b29.cpt.hqx 189 10/30/93 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 Allows your Macintosh to communicate using the unix-to unix copy (uucp) protocols, allowing it to exchange files and e-mail with other uucp sites. Allows in and out-bound phone calls and an automatic call scheduler. Includes PCMail 3.0. /mac/util/comm/uupcsetup.cpt.hqx 34 1/16/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 An interactive and automated guide to correctly set up UUPC 3.0, ToadNews, and rnMac. /mac/util/comm/valuefax2.07.sea.hqx 741 8/12/95 BinHex4.0,SelfExtractingArchive Fax software to send and receive faxes via your faxmodem. /mac/util/comm/videomail1.0.sit.hqx 248 9/26/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 VideoMail is a marriage of multimedia and the Internet. It uses audio and video capturing equipment to produce QuickTime movies. These movies can then be sent to one or more people using Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). /mac/system.extensions/da/wabbitda1.45.sit.hqx 341 11/27/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Database designed to hold all of the various types of URLs and allow user to copy/paste them between internet applications, and a monthly online timer with alarm for Internet connections all rolled into one. /mac/util/comm/webmap1.01.sit.hqx 167 8/3/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Lay out the "rect", "circle", and "poly" elements for an html image map, for use with World Wide Web software. /mac/util/comm/webtor0.91a2.sit.hqx 556 8/29/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Prerelease version of a WYSIWYG html editor. Supports HTML 2.0 standard; user cannot create a non-comforming document. /mac/graphics/graphicsutil/whurlwind1.0d6.sit.hqx 524 2/12/96 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 Web viewer for 3DMF or VRML models created by Enright and Louch; requires QuickDraw 3D and a PowerMac; v1.0d6 allows viewing of 3DMF and VRML models from varied camera positions, jumps to other Web sites (warning: 16MB RAM required for viewing graphics files). /mac/util/comm/xtimer1.5.sit.hqx 150 3/18/95 BinHex4.0,StuffIt3.50 For those of us who don't have unlimited checkbooks or charge cards, this application counts the number of minutes you've been connected to an online service and tells you how much you're paying for the session (has a menu for the various services, such as Compu$erve, Prodigy and Genie). Comes with a Filemaker template so you can do some accounting, as well. /mac/util/comm/zterm1.0b3.cpt.hqx 386 10/21/94 BinHex4.0,Compact1.51 A pretty good shareware terminal program that supports the X-,Y-, Yg- and Z-Modem protocols. Allows you to dial directly from the program, view/manage the built in phonebooks, print selection, include Kermit, 16 color ANSI, Drag Manager support, dynamic scroll bar, user selected fonts (including 2 byte fonts like Japanese) and an AutoOpen feature to allow postprocessing of downloaded files depending on file type. Fat Binary for 68K and PowerPC Macs. .