Date: 23 Sep 94 11:54:00 EST From: Subject: DISINFECTANT: A TOAST (PART IV OF III) To John Norstad and everyone else who has helped to write and maintain Disinfectant: I realize that it's been an awful long time (six months?) since the original three Disinfectant Toast summaries were mailed; however I've continued to receive follow-up messages to John et al as folks have happened upon my original mailing in the Info-Mac digest archives. Please, folks, if you have any more great stuff to tell the Disinfectant crew, please send it directly to them. Thanks. This is Part IV of III, Messages 79-95. --Brandon Munday 79------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would like to express my appreciation to Mr. Norstad for the work done creating and supporting Disinfectant. Not only has he created an excellent product, he has taken the extra step of putting the product into the public domain and providing support for it -- all free of charge. Updates to Disinfectant are always timely. I'm very happy with Disinfectant and very grateful to its creators and supporters. Thanks very much! --Henry W. Newsom | Muncie, IN 47306 --Associate Director | --University Computing Services| BITNET: 00hwnewsom@bsuvax1 --Ball State University | Phone: (317) 285-1844 80------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un ENORME merci a John Norstad et tous ceux qui participent aux evolutions de Disinfectant. "An ENORMOUS thank you to John Norstad and all those who participated in the evolution of Disinfectant." (translated by Brandon Munday) --Joel Brogniart 81------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for a wonderful program. Thank you for making the computing world so much safer. You saved me from probably a thousand hard drive problems! --Troy D. Goodson --Students for the Exploration and Development of Space --Georgia Institute of Technology --Internet: --Officers: -- Troy Goodson, President -- Caleb Branscome, Vice-President -- Mark Peppers, Secretary -- Vicky Pickens, Treasurer -82------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, John, thanks mucho for Disinfectant. It has saved my butt, and I give it to everyone I meet who doesn't have it. I have even tried to give it to people who don't have Macs! keep up the good, prompt work!! --Matthew Ahrens 83------------------------------------------------------------------------- To John Norstad and Mark Anbinder, Wade Blomgren and the others: I think I can speak for the several hundred Mac users on the University of Missouri-Columbia campus who have benefited many times by the thoroughly useful and easy-to-use Disinfectant. It has been a staple item on my hard drive for some five years. I check every new disk with Disinfectant. It has saved me much grief and time. I cannot thank you enough for this fine virus tool. --Larry Rugolo 84------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks! 85------------------------------------------------------------------------- IN THE BEGINNING, there were viruses. And darkness was upon the face of the users. And their computers became without form, and void. Then John looked down and saw the plight of the people. And John said, "Let there be Disinfectant." "Let it go forth, and multiply, that no system be harmed." And Disinfectant went forth, and multiplied as the stars in the sky. And computers everywhere were cured of their infirmities. And lo John looked around, and saw, and said, "It is good." And a day of thanks was established for the creator. And the people were much aroused, and assembled together, Giving joy and praise to their wonderful savior. And so did the plague of the computer viruses end. --Jeanette Foshee -- Iowa State University -- Speaking for Extension Communications Department -- Ames, Iowa 50011 86------------------------------------------------------------------------- Multiple KUDOS to John Norstad and his Disinfectant programming team. Your efforts have kept the Princeton Macintosh Users' Group virus free for the many years I've been associated with this organization. As immediate past President, I speak a collective THANK YOU for our members. At FMC, Disinfectant is the norm and welcomed enthusiastically by our international Mac user community. You've done us a great service; we sincerely appreciate your efforts. Stay secure, --Dr. Jonathan S. Baum --Agricultural Chemicals Group, Computational Sciences --FMC Corporation --P.O. Box 8 Phone: 609-951-3438 --Princeton, NJ 08543 FAX: 609-951-3835 87------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would personally like to thank the inventor of Disinfectant. It is great to know that my machine is safe from virus attacks. Cheers, --A. Weber --AAWEBER@COLBY.EDU 88------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks John and the team for a great piece of public service. The Mac world owes you one (or is it tonnes). We have Disinfectant installed on all the Macs in our laboratory (a dozen Macs) and not a virus problem. I am sure it's due to regular application of Disinfectant. So hats off to you guys or as the French would say "Chapeau". --Indraneel Ghose --Laboratoire de Petrologie Metamorphique : voice (33.1) 44 27 50 88 --Tour 26-0 3 etage, 4 Place Jussieu : fax (33.1) 44 27 39 11 --75252 Paris Cedex 05 France 89------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disinfectant is excellent. When it comes to good, solid, un-obstrusive virus protection you can't beat it. SAM, Gatekeeper and all are so overly protective, that they hinder daily operations. Keep up the great work John and all that have developed Disinfectant. Thanks --Rajat Chaudhuri --Microcomputer Consultant --Computer Center Internet: --116 Powers Hall --Univeristy of Mississippi Phone: 601-232-7638 (or 7206) --University, MS 38677 Fax: 601-232-7180 90------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear John Norstand: Thank you for your samaritan effort to keep Macs virus free! It is incredible that such an excellent and amazingly good program is available free of charge. I personally thank you again for your efforts. --Arturo Portnoy 91------------------------------------------------------------------------- John Norstad and Associates: Thanks for your wonderful virus fighter, Disinfectant. The very first time I used my first Mac 512, I loaded a student disk with the Scores virus. A friend gave me your Disinfectant,v1.7, and that was the end of Scores. God bless you. Live long and prosper! --Rev. Robert Buday, O.S.B. --Illinois Benedictine College, Lisle, IL --bbuday@eagle.ibc.edum 92------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add my voice to the many. A hearty THANKS! John and the folks at Northwestern are the supermen (and women) of the 90's in the battle for truth, justice, and the American way... Thanks again from all of us! --Tom Thorpe --Tom_Thorpe@qmail4.sp.TRW.COM 93------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-Sender: There is not much that I can say that would be new, so I will content myself with adding my name to the list of those who use Disinfectant and consider it an utterly wonderful program. The fact that it is distributed free and is quickly updated as soon as a new virus is discovered shows an altruistic streak in John Norstad that gives me renewed hope for the fate of mankind. Thanks. --Dr Andrew White --Imperial College --London UK 94------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a Mac user now for more than two years I'm a glad user of the wonderfull little program, and I m sure that my colleagues at Copenhagen Business Scoll have the same feeling, as well as many many people in the rest of Scandinavia and Europe. Thank You - John Norstrand - for Disinfectant and for provding a valuable service to a lot of people. --John K. Christiansen --Associate professor --Copenhagen Business School --Informatics and Management Accounting --Howitzvej 60 --2000 Copenhagen F --Denmark 95------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm a novice to the computer world; rough landing with my first Mac Plus not working because it was infected and the seller just thought it had hardware problems. Wouldn't be able to send this thank you note without J&Co's fine job. Thanx again. --Steven Kim --USCLAW **end of Part VI of III**  .