AZ-CROOT.LBR 6784 08-23-85 Add wild cards and pipes to Aztec-C AZPIPE11.ARK 6912 11-22-89 Pipes for Aztec C AZTEC-C.BUG 1971 01-06-85 Bug fix for Aztek-C AZTEC-C.FIX 1760 01-06-85 Bug fix for Aztec-C COMND004.ARK 72114 06-17-86 TOPS20-style command parsing/Aztec-C FIND.C 3014 01-05-85 No description available MINDER.ARK 62402 06-19-86 Personal reminder/notices/multi-user MINROOT.C 1023 10-09-84 No description available QUOTE.ARK 52356 06-19-86 Prints quotes from indexed file .