STAT COMMAND by Stanley M. Gee, PUGSKUG, August 1987 (What STAT does and how to use it) STAT is shorthand for Statistics. The STAT command is a transient command that must exist as a file on the disc that you are using. Most people use the STAT command for displaying the size of the remaining space on the disc that they are writing to. For example: A>STAT The computer responds with A:R/W,SPACE:100K, B:R/W,SPACE: 191K. Unfortunately this command is used only for the preceding example. There are many more uses for this command. Specifically STAT can change device assignments, display all potential device assignments, assign attributes to files, display disc attributes, display user numbers and display system file attributes. There are many enhancements to this command specifically STAT44 and D, which is available from our library. However this article is limited to the standard version of STAT. The STAT command when used for displaying attributes and space left on the disc for writing should be used as follows, At system level prompt A> type "STAT". This will return a message "A: R/W, SPACE: nK". The A: is the drive identification, R/W means Read and Write capability and Space is the amount of space left on the disc for writing in K bytes (K is abbreviation for 1000) the n is the amount of K bytes. The STAT of the second drive is also returned if it is initialized. The response will be the same as for the prime drive except for the drive or disc identification. The STAT command won't return the status of the second drive after a warm boot. You can either initialize the second drive or type in "STAT B:". The STAT command when used for specific files is as follows, "STAT Filename.Ext". The response to this command is in the following format, "RECS, BYTES, EX, ACC, D:FILENAME.TYP". RECS is the number of records the file uses, BYTES is the amount of bytes used in thousands, EX is the number of extents occupied by the file, ACC is the file attribute read write etc., and D:FILENAME.TYPE is the disc drive identification, filename and TYPE is the ext of the filename. Ambiguous filenames may be used with the STAT Command. For example, at A>, typing "STAT B:*.MSS" will return the status of all MSS files on drive B. To list the status of the entire disc type "STAT *.*". To set file attributes, the correct syntax is "STAT FILENAME.EXT $ATTRIBUTE" where attribute is R/O (read only), R/W (read write), SYS (system - hides the file from the dir command) and DIR (cancels the SYS attributed). For example, to make a file "read only" type "STAT Filename.Ext $R/O" or to make an entire disc "read only" type "A>STAT B: = R/O". As mentioned previously the STAT Command can be used to provide information on the logical and physical devices on our computer. A logical device is a general function of the computer. A physical device is a specific piece of equipment chosen to perform that function. Basically there are four logical devices. CON: (console), RDR: (paper tape reader), PUN: (paper tape punch) and LST: (listing device). There are twelve physical devices possible. They are CRT: (cathode ray tube - fast console display) TTY: (teletypewriter - slow console display) UC1: (user defined console) BAT: (batch processor) PTR: (paper tape reader) PTP: (paper tape punch) UR1: (user reader #1) UR2: (user reader #2) UP1: (user punch #1) UP2: (user punch #2) LPT: (line printer) and UL1: (user list device). Sixteen physical to logical devices assignments are permitted. CON: may be performed by TTY:, CRT:, BAT:, or UC1:. RDR: may be performed by TTY:, PTR:, UR1:, or UR2:. PUN: may be performed by TTY:, PTP:, UP1:, or UP2:. LST: may be performed by TTY:, CRT:, LPT:, OR UL1:. To find the default device assignments, type "STAT DEV:". The computer responds with CON: is CRT: RDR: is TTY: PUN: is TTY: LST: is LPT: Note that the left hand column is the logical device and the right hand column is the current physical device assigned to it. To find the possible assignments of physical to logical devices and see an abbreviated STAT command line summary type "STAT VAL:". The correct form for device assignment using STAT is, "STAT log: = dev:, ....". More than one device assignment can be made on this command by separating the assignments with commas. An example STAT LST:=LPT:,PUN:=UR1. Certain protocols must be observed. The CON: device must be an input/output device that can send or receive data. The RDR: must be able to send data and the LST: device must be able to receive data. If you have two printers, i.e. a daisy wheel and a dot matrix printer you could assign LPT: to the daisy wheel printer and UL1: to the dot matrix printer. This would allow you to shift printers without physically unplugging and plugging the other printer in its place which becomes a real drag after a while, not to mention the possibility of damage to the connectors. To display the current user number and to list user numbers for user files, type "STAT USR:". The computer responds with "ACTIVE USER: 0" and "ACTIVE FILES: 0 1 2". Active files 1 & 2 would be present only if User command was used. To display the stat of the current disc or alternate disc type "STAT [B:]DSK:". The computer will respond with the following: (drive specified on alternate drive only). A: DRIVE CHARACTERISTICS 1560: 128 BYTE RECORD CAPACITY 195: KILOBYTE DRIVE CAPACITY 64: 32 BYTE DIRECTORY ENTRIES 64: CHECKED DIRECTORY ENTRIES 128: RECORDS/EXTENT 8: RECORDS/BLOCK 40: SECTORS/TRACK 1: RESERVE TRACKS  .