---------------------------------------------------- INSTALLING ZCPR3 (c) AND ZRDOS (tm) ON A KAYPRO 4-84 ---------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////// A DOCUMENT TO EASE AND EXPLAIN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ZCPR3 AND THE NEW ZRDOS OPERATING SYSTEM ON KAYPRO 4-84 COMPUTERS. ZCPR3 IS NOT AN EASY THING TO INSTALL. CONSIDERABLE KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED. MANY FILES ARE NECESSARY. THERE IS MUCH READING TO BE DONE. THE INTENT HERE IS TO PROVIDE AN EASY TO FOLLOW INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR THE NOVICE LUCKY ENOUGH TO POSSESS ALL NECESSARY ZCPR3 FILES. A GENERAL FAMILIARITY WITH ZCPR3 IS ASSUMED. EXPERIENCED PROGRAMMERS WILL PROBABLY FIND THIS RESEARCH THE MOST USEFUL. IT DOCUMENTS THE CRITICAL MEMORY LOCATIONS AND THEIR MANIPULATION FOR THE SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION OF ZCPR3 ON THE KAYPRO 4-84. A PERFUNCTORY DESCRIPTION OF HOW TO INSTALL ECHELON INC's ZRDOS (CP/M BDOS REPLACEMENT) IS ALSO INCLUDED. ZRDOS IS A COMMERCIAL PRODUCT AND IS FAIRLY SIMPLE TO GET UP & RUNNING. SIGNIFICANTLY THOUGH, ZRDOS ISN'T NEARLY AS WORTHWHILE TO IMPLEMENT WITHOUT A CONCURRENT IMPLEMENTATION OF ZCPR3. A PROCEDURE OUTLINED HERE, STEP BY STEP. 24 September 1985 //////////////////////////////////////////////////// Peter O.E. Bekker, Jr. New York City. - CompuServe: 74106,1430 - ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Acknowledgements: Patches for the Kaypro 4-84 BIOS listed below were developed by Barry Siegfried (K2MF), New York City, including the cold boot initialization patch which is based on previous work done for the installation of ZCPR2 on the Apple ][ series of computers by Mike Cohen. Here is what we will be installing: 1. the CCP replacement 2. the System Environment 3. the System Flow Control Package 4. the System Named Directory Package 5. the System Resident Command Package 6. the External Message Buffer 7. the External File Control Block 8. the Multiple Command Buffer 9. the Shell Stack 10. the External Stack 11. the External Path 12. the BIOS cold boot initialization patch The files required to do the installation are: System .COM files ----------------- 1. CPM63.COM - DRI 63K CP/M System image (SYSGEN) for Kaypro 4-84 series computers, version 2.20G (You will create this file in a moment using the CP/M utility called SYSGEN.COM.) 2. SYSGEN.COM - Digital Research SYStem GENerating utility. 3. DDT.COM - Digital Research Dynamic Debugging Tool - or - ZDT.COM - Public Domain Z80 Debugging Tool 4. MAC.COM - Digital Research Macro Assembler 5. MLOAD.COM - Public domain replacement for Digital Research LOAD.COM 6. your program text editor, such as Wordstar. ZCPR3 Source files ------------------ 1. ZCPR3.ASM - the working code for the CCP replacement 2. Z3BASE.LIB - Base address definition library for the ZCPR3 CCP replacement and external packages 3. Z3HDR.LIB - Option selection library for the ZCPR3 CCP replacement 4. SYSENV.ASM & SYSENV.LIB - ZCPR3 Environment Descriptors 5. SYSFCP.ASM & SYSFCP.LIB - ZCPR3 Flow Control Package 6. SYSNDR.ASM & SYSNDR.LIB - ZCPR3 Named Directory Package 7. SYSRCP.ASM & SYSRCP.LIB - ZCPR3 Resident Command Package ZCPR3 Application programs -------------------------- 1. Z3INS.COM - ZCPR3 System Environment .COM file installer 2. LDR.COM - ZCPR3 External Package loader 3. ALIAS.COM - ZCPR3 command .COM file creator THEORY OF OPERATION ------------------- The DRI 63K CP/M System version 2.20G occupies the following addresses in the Kaypro 4-84 memory: CCP : E000 - E7FF (2k) BDOS: E800 - F5FF (3.5K) BIOS: F600 - F9FF CP/M application programs always protect the BDOS and BIOS sections of the CP/M System, because these are the parts which provide the Basic Disk Operating System and Hardware I/O services that these programs utilize to perform their functions. The "JMP BDOS" instruction that resides at location 5 which is set up by the BIOS during the cold boot process provides a reliable means by which an application program can determine where the BDOS begins, and what address above which the pro- gram may not write into memory. If an additional patch could be made in the user's BIOS whereby a fake JMP instruction to a lower address in memory can be placed at location 5, and a JMP BDOS can be placed at that lower address, then all memory above the new lower address would be protected by application programs because these programs would "think" that the BDOS started at the lower address. This is what we will do to fully implement ZCPR3 on the Kaypro 4-84. I - GENERATING CPM63.COM FROM SYSGEN -------------------------------- We will preserve an image of the Kaypro's 63k CP/M operating system (the one it came with) using the SYSGEN.COM utility from the CP/M disk. SYSGEN is a program allowing the user to move an operating system from one disk to another. The operating system is located on the outer edge of each disk - on tracks 0 and 1. 1. Insert a disk in Drive A: containing SYSGEN.COM and your stock Kaypro 63K CP/M System. Then, insert a blank (but properly formatted) disk into drive B: 2. Run SYSGEN and at the "SOURCE DRIVE" prompt, press "A". This informs SYSGEN that the operating system on Drive A: will be considered the source for what follows: 3. At the "DESTINATION DRIVE" prompt, which will appear next, hit "RETURN." This will exit you from SYSGEN and bring you back to CP/M's A0> prompt. 4. At the A0> prompt, type A0>SAVE 36 B:CPM63.COM In doing this, you preserve 36 pages of computer memory in a file on Drive B: that is now called CPM63.COM. Those memory pages contain an image of your stock CP/M operating system.. (and also a copy of SYSGEN.COM.) II - INSTALLING ZCPR3: ---------------- Prepare the following disks: Drive A: DDT.COM (or ZDT.COM), MAC.COM, MLOAD.COM, your text editor Drive B: (Disk 1) - ZCPR3.ASM, Z3BASE.LIB, Z3HDR.LIB Drive B: (Disk 2) - CPM63.COM, SYSENV.ASM, SYSENV.LIB, Z3INS.COM, LDR.COM, ALIAS.COM Drive B: (Disk 3) - SYSFCP.ASM, SYSFCP.LIB, SYSNDR.ASM, SYSNDR.LIB, SYSRCP.ASM, SYSRCP.LIB Disk 1 (Drive B:) ----------------- 1. Edit Z3BASE.LIB and put in the base addresses for your system com- ponents as desired. It is suggested that you use the values in the following table, although they may be changed as desired. When you finish editing Z3BASE.LIB, transfer a copy of it to Disk 3, as it is needed to prepare the external packages of ZCPR3. MEMORY LOCATION SIZE in (b)ytes & (K)ilobytes Z3BASE.LIB --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------- 0040 - 0046 7 b External Search Path EXPATH EQU 40H 3 External Search Paths EXPATHS EQU 3 004B 1 b Wheel Byte WHEEL EQU 4BH D209 - D258 80 b External Message Buffer Z3MSG EQU 0D209H D25C - D27F 36 b Ext. File Control Block EXTFCB EQU 0D25CH D280 - D2FF 128 b Named Directory Package Z3NDIR EQU 0D280H 7 Named Directories Z3NDIRS EQU 7 D300 - D3FF 256 b Multiple Command Buffer Z3CL EQU 0D300H 251 Characters Maximum Z3CLS EQU 251 D400 - D4BF 192 b Shell Stack SHSTK EQU 0D400H 6 Shell Stacks SHSTKS EQU 6 1 Shell Stack = 32 bytes SHSIZE EQU 32 D4D0 - D4FF 48 b External Stack EXTSTK EQU 0D4D0H D500 - D5FF 256 b Environment Descriptor Z3ENV EQU 0D500H 2 128-byte blocks Z3ENVS EQU 2 D600 - D7FF 512 b Flow Control Package FCP EQU 0D600H 4 128-byte blocks FCPS EQU 4 D800 - DFFF 2 K Resident Command Package RCP EQU 0D800H 16 128-byte blocks RCPS EQU 16 E000 - E7FF 2 K CCP CCP EQU 0E000H 2. Edit Z3HDR.LIB and select the options you desire for your CCP. It is suggested that you turn on only the following CCP Resident Com- mands: GET, GO, JUMP, REN and SAVE. GET, GO, JUMP and SAVE are available only in the CCP. Even though REN is available in the External Resident Command Package, I elect to turn it on in the CCP because it does not appreciably add to the amount of generated code in the CCP while it saves very valuable space in the External Resident Command Package by not turning it on there. 3. Log into Drive B: and assemble ZCPR3.ASM using MAC: B0>A:MAC ZCPR3 $PZ-S Using the $PZ-S option of MAC will give you the fastest assembly without generating a large .PRN file. If the generated code in your CCP is larger than 2K, an error message will print out at the end of assembly. When assembly is complete you will find ZCPR3.HEX on Disk 1. 4. Generate the binary code from the .HEX file using MLOAD: B0>A:MLOAD ZCPR3 When the load is complete you will find ZCPR3.COM on Disk 1. 5. REName ZCPR3.BIN=ZCPR3.COM - and - transfer a copy of ZCPR3.BIN to Disk 2. Disk 2 (Drive B:) ----------------- 1. Edit SYSENV.LIB and put in your terminal control codes. It is suggested that you use the values in the following table for the "videoable" Kaypro 4-84: envorg2: DB 'KAYPRO 4-84 ' ;Name of Terminal DB 05h ;*Cursor UP DB 18h ;*Cursor DOWN DB 04h ;*Cursor RIGHT DB 13h ;*Cursor LEFT DB 00 ;CL Delay DB 00 ;CM Delay DB 00 ;CE Delay DB 1Ah,0 ;CL String DB 1Bh,'=%+ %+ ',0 ;CM String DB 18h,0 ;CE String DB 1Bh,'B0',1Bh,'B1',0 ;SI String DB 1Bh,'C1',1Bh,'C0',0 ;SO String DB 0 ;TI String DB 0 ;TE String ds 80H-($-envorg2) ; make exactly 80H bytes long 2. Log into Drive B: and assemble SYSENV.ASM using MAC: B0>A:MAC SYSENV $PZ-S When assembly is complete you will find SYSENV.HEX on Disk 2. 3. Generate the binary code from the .HEX file using MLOAD: B>A:MLOAD SYSENV When the load is complete you will find SYSENV.COM on Disk 2. 4. REName SYS.ENV=SYSENV.COM 5. Read ZCPR3.BIN into your SYSGEN program using DDT (or ZDT): - special note: Ideally, SYS.ENV should be loaded along with ZCPR3.BIN. But I have been unable to locate space in the Kaypro's memory to place the Environment. That means SYS.ENV must be placed on each ZCPR3 disk. It will be loaded automatically upon cold boot but it remains a seperate file. B0>A:DDT (or ZDT) CPM63.COM * You will see the following: B0>A:DDT CPM63.COM DDT VERS 2.2 NEXT PC 2500 0100 - * The "-" is DDT"s (and ZDT's) prompt. Enter the following sequence of instructions: /-----/---/------ Type-in all of this. -F0980,117F,0 (initialize the CPR image area to 00) -IZCPR3.BIN (identify the binary CPR image) -R0880 (read the binary CPR image into CPM63.COM at location 0980) -G0 * A WARM BOOT will now occur, bringing you back to CP/M and the B0> prompt. Do this next: B0>SAVE 36 ZCPR3.COM * This combines the ZCPR3 system which you created above with the stock CP/M system that previously had been combined into SYSGEN.COM. This new program - called ZCPR3.COM - will be the program you use to put ZCPR3 onto the system tracks of whatever disks you choose. Instructions for doing that are soon to come - but first, some major adjustments must be made so that ZCPR3 will operate correctly on the Kaypro 4-84: III - INSTALL BIOS COLD BOOT PATCHES ------------------------------ 1. Load ZCPR3.COM (the program you've just made) into DDT (or ZDT): B0>A:DDT (or ZDT) ZCPR3.COM DDT VERS 2.2 NEXT PC 2500 0100 - 2. Define the External Search Path (which gets moved to 0040 in the initialization patch): -S0950 (You type S0950 at the "-" prompt, then enter only the last two numbers on each line in the following sequence. Make sure you get numbers identical to these as you proceed. /----------------------------- you type these 0950 00 24 ($ = Current Drive) ------- what they control 0951 00 00 (User 0) 0952 00 01 (Drive A:) 0953 00 24 ($ = Current User) 0954 00 01 (Drive A:) 0955 00 00 (User 0) 0956 00 00 (Terminator - 7 bytes total) 0957 00 . <- that's a PERIOD. Type it and hit RETURN.) - The above represents 3 external search paths. You may specify up to 5 paths (2 byte pairs per path) in the space from 0950 thru 095A, however, you must also remember to change the EXPATHS equate in Z3BASE.LIB. 3. Initialize the Wheel Byte (which gets moved to 004B in the initialization patch): -S095B --/----------------------------- you type these 095B 00 FF (004B wheel byte set on) 095C 00 . <- don't forget the PERIOD - 4. Setup the Multiple Command Buffer and define the cold boot auto- start command (which gets moved to D300 in the initialization patch): * (CONTINUE YOUR INPUT BELOW JUST AS YOU'VE DONE ABOVE. ENTER EVERYTHING YOU SEE FOLLOWING THE "-" AND ONLY THE LAST 2 NUMBERS OR A "." WHEN THERE'S NO "-") -S0960 0960 00 04 (Address of first character in Mult. Comm. Buff. - LSB) 0961 00 D3 (Address of first character in Mult. Comm. Buff. - MSB) 0962 00 FB (Max. # of chars. permitted in Mult. Comm. Buff. - 251) 0963 00 00 (Char. count in Mult. Comm. Buff. initialized to 00) 0964 00 . -F0964,097E,20 (fill cold boot autostart command area with spaces - 27 bytes) -S097F 097F 00 00 (Terminate cold boot autostart command area with 00 - 0980 00 . 32 bytes total) - 5. Create the initialization patch (runs at FA10): -S0910 0910 00 01 (LXI B) 0911 00 F7 (3575 bytes to initialize) 0912 00 0D 0913 00 21 (LXI H) 0914 00 09 (D209 address to start initializing) 0915 00 D2 0916 00 36 (MVI M) 0917 00 00 (00) 0918 00 23 (INX H) 0919 00 0B (DCX B) 091A 00 78 (MOV A,B) 091B 00 B1 (ORA C) 091C 00 20 (JRNZ) 091D 00 F8 (to 0916) 091E 00 01 (LXI B) 091F 00 0C (12 bytes to move) 0920 00 00 0921 00 21 (LXI H) 0922 00 50 (FA50 address to move from) 0923 00 FA 0924 00 11 (LXI D) 0925 00 40 (0040 address to move to) 0926 00 00 0927 00 ED (LDIR) 0928 00 B0 (move memory) 0929 00 01 (LXI B) 092A 00 20 (32 bytes to move) 092B 00 00 092C 00 21 (LXI H) 092D 00 60 (FA60 address to move from) 092E 00 FA 092F 00 11 (LXI D) 0930 00 00 (D300 address to move to) 0931 00 D3 0932 00 ED (LDIR) 0933 00 B0 (move memory) 0934 00 21 (LXI H) 0935 00 4A (F64A) 0936 00 F6 0937 00 C3 (JMP) 0938 00 BD (F6BD) 0939 00 F6 093A 00 . - 6. Create the routine which lowers the BDOS address (runs at FA3A). Accumulator contains a JMP when this routine is called. -S093A 093A 00 32 (STA) 093A 00 06 (D206 new lower BDOS address) 093B 00 D2 093C 00 21 (LXI H) 093D 00 06 (E806 real BDOS address) 093E 00 E8 093F 00 22 (SHLD) 0940 00 07 (D207 holds real BDOS address) 0941 00 D2 0942 00 21 (LXI H) 0943 00 06 (D206 new lower BDOS address) 0944 00 D2 0945 00 C9 (RET to caller which stores new lower BDOS address at location 6) 0946 00 . - 7. Install cold start patches in BIOS: * HERE, THE "A" COMMAND MEANS YOU WILL BE ENTERING ACTUAL ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE INSTRUCTIONS. SO TYPE "JMP" OR "CALL" WHERE INDICATED FOLLOWED BY THE 4 LETTER & NUMBER COMBINATIONS WHICH REPRESENT MEMORY ADDRESSES. -A203A ---------> read the above paragraph again if you're not sure what to type... /----/---> type these.. 203A JMP FA10 (jumps to initialization routine) 203D . <--- don't forget the PERIOD. -A2087 2087 CALL FA3A (calls routine which lowers the BDOS address) 208A . - 8. Patch warm start so new CPR is not disturbed by the BIOS: -A2090 2090 JMP F722 2093 . -F2093,20A1,0 -S210B 210B 32 00 (NOP) 210C 07 00 (NOP) 210D E0 00 (NOP) 210E . -F2273,22FF,0 - 9. Exit DDT (or ZDT) and save patched ZCPR3.COM: -G0 (return to CP/M) B0>SAVE 36 ZCPR3.COM You now have a file that will generate ZCPR3 and place it in the operating system tracks of as many disks as you choose. Simply insert it into the A: drive, put the disk to which you wish to transfer the system in the B: drive, run ZCPR3.... answer it's questions and PRESTO - you're in business. Remember though, to "initialize" your memory with ZCPR, you must RESET the computer before inserting the ZCPR system disk. Once that is done, the Kaypro will "read-in" the ZCPR3 system just as it did your stock CP/M system. IV - INSTALL OTHER ZCPR3 FILES ------------------------- 1. Install your Environment Descriptors into LDR.COM and ALIAS.COM using Z3INS: B0>Z3INS SYS.ENV LDR.COM - and - B0>Z3INS SYS.ENV ALIAS.COM This procedure will be used from here on to install ZCPR3-specific utility programs. Once installed, they may be run freely on your ZCPR3 System without re-installation. Disk 3 (Drive B:) ----------------- 1. Edit SYSFCP.LIB, SYSNDR.LIB and SYSRCP.LIB and select the options you desire for your external Flow Control, Named Directory and Res- ident Command Packages, respectively. It is suggested that you turn off the REN External Resident Command in SYSRCP.LIB. You might additionally need to turn off other options and commands in order to get SYSRCP.ASM to assemble to within 2K of code. It is STRONGLY suggested that you DO NOT revise the External Resident Command equates in Z3BASE.LIB in order to accommodate an External Resident Command Package that is greater than 2K. 2. Log into Drive B: and assemble SYSFCP.ASM, SYSNDR.ASM and SYSRCP.ASM using MAC: B>A:MAC SYSFCP $PZ-S - and - B>A:MAC SYSNDR $PZ-S - and - B>A:MAC SYSRCP $PZ-S When all three assemblies are complete you will find SYSFCP.HEX, SYSNDR.HEX and SYSRCP.HEX on Disk 3. 3. Generate the binary code from the .HEX files using MLOAD: B>A0:MLOAD SYSFCP - and - B>A0:MLOAD SYSNDR - and - B>A0:MLOAD SYSRCP When all three loads are complete you will find SYSFCP.COM, SYSNDR.COM and SYSRCP.COM on Disk 3. 4. REName SYS.FCP=SYSFCP.COM - and - REName SYS.NDR=SYSNDR.COM - and - REName SYS.RCP=SYSRCP.COM ZCPR3.COM is now ready to generate new system disks. To generate a new system disk, A>ZCPR3 x:, where x is a valid drive with a formatted disk in it. When you boot a ZCPR3 disk, SYS.ENV must be present. In the configuration you have just created, LDR will then automatically load the environment. After the disk has booted, you may load any or all of the external packages using LDR: A0>LDR SYS.FCP,SYS.NDR,SYS.RCP ... etc. These packages will load into their designated protected areas set aside by the ZCPR3 system and defined in SYS.ENV, and will not be overwritten by application programs. ZCPR3 is a flexible and much improved Console Command Processor over the stock Digital Research CCP which contains a variety of new funct- ions and commands, particularly if the external packages are loaded. In addition, there are many ZCPR3-specific programs which can now run on your Kaypro 4-84 system that offer very interesting video capabili- ties. For more information about ZCPR3, write or call: Echelon, Inc. 101 First St. Los Altos, CA 94022 1-415-948-3820 and order "ZCPR3 - The Manual" for $19.95. This manual contains all the technical information about ZCPR3 theory, design, installation and usage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ZCPR3 is not permanent! To get rid of it, simply RESET or POWER DOWN your machine. If you insert a "stock" CP/M disk into A: following either of those steps, you will be running Kaypro's "as delivered" CP/M operating system. Similarly, following a RESET or POWER-DOWN, placing a ZCPR3 disk in A: will give you back the ZCPR3 system. ------------------ ZRDOS INSTALLATION ----------------------------------------------------------------- ZRDOS is NOT a public domain program. It is a commercial product written by Dennis Wright and available for sale through ECHELON INC. It has copyrights in the years 1984 and 1985 by Mr. Wright. ZRDOS replaces the BDOS portion of your CP/M system. When installed on your system, it becomes the ACTUAL OPERATING SYSTEM for your computer. Since ECHELON markets documentation for this product, I cannot extensively reveal those contents. Though I heartily recommend that you purchase and install ZRDOS - and use it in conjunction with the ZCPR3 system, also marketed by ECHELON though available in the Public Domain, particularly on Z-NODES. (By the way, when ZRDOS and ZCPR3 are combined, you can say your computer is running the Z-SYSTEM - not CP/M or CP/M augmented by ZCPR3.) Installation of ZRDOS is a snap compared to the installation of ZCPR3. Since you will have PURCHASED ZRDOS, you will have received an installation file called ZRD+INS.COM. You will also be in possession of the other program utilities which function under ZRDOS and enhance the operation of your system. I - TO INSTALL ZRDOS ---------------- 1. Run the ZRD+INS.COM file -> A0>ZRD+INS 2. You will be asked for the location of your "Wheel Byte." For the Kaypro 4-84, the answer is: 4B 3. You will then be asked for the address at which your system's BDOS begins. For the Kaypro 4-84, the answer is: E800. 4. ZRD+INS.COM will now create a file called ZRDOS+.BIN, which is simply a binary image of your ZRDOS replacement assembled to run at the address you specified above, much the same as ZCPR3.BIN was the binary image of your ZCPR3 CCP replacement (CPR). 5. You will now merge this file with your ZCPR3.COM file using DDT or ZDT. This will provide you with a program that will allow you to place a complete Z-SYSTEM on as many disks as you wish, using the technique described above for the ZCPR3 installation: A0>DDT (or ZDT) ZCPR3.COM DDT VERS 2.2 NEXT PC 2500 0100 -IZRDOS+.BIN -R1080 -G0 (YOUR MACHINE WILL NOW WARM BOOT AND THEN YOU TYPE:) A0>SAVE 36 ZSYSTEM.COM And ZSYSTEM.COM is what you've been after. A completely new operating system. It is functional, friendly and even futuristic. It utilizes the extended instruction capability of the Z80 microprocessor and has the utility of the ZCPR3 Console Command Processor Replacement. //// Peter O.E. Bekker, Jr. ///////  .