Date: 8 Dec 1982 at 1116-PST (Wednesday) To: All Re: Improving the KPRO video display The Kaypro screen flicker and terrible character set has a hardware solution (so I hear from a friend that has one). The solution is a character ROM originally built for the BigBoard from Digital Research Computers (of Texas, not the folks of CP/M). It's available from the folks at Micro- Cornucopia in Bend, Oregon. $25.00 US price, or $5.00 each if you send a fast ROM and prepaid return mailing. This ROM should get rid of the flicker and give a better character set (lower-case descenders, real semi-colon...) Their address: MICRO CORNUCOPIA PO Box 223 Bend, Oregon 97709 They also have a lot other neat things which go well with the KayPro, especially their magazine "Micro Cornucopia-- the Single Board Systems Journal", which means Xerox 820, too. .