KPROMDM7.DOC NON-LINEAR KAYCOMP KAYPRO II DOC FOR MODEM7. AS OF 08/21/82. Tom McCormick. Houston, Tx. This portable CP/M micro comes with an RS232c serial port, a BAUD.COM utility to set the baud rates on that port, and the SELECT editor with which to make the following changes to MBOOT.ASM. MBOOT.ASM is a minimal subset of MODEM7: all it will do is operate in terminal mode, and then receive one file at a time using the Christensen protocol of MODEM7. It will not send, auto dial, send/receive without handshaking, transfer multiple files from a single command (wildcards), etc. like the full MODEM7 program will do. is much much shorter to key in the first time if you do not know anyone with MODEM7 on a KAYPRO II compatable 5" diskette. Obtain a printed copy of MBOOT.ASM (free, public-domain), and make the following changes. You can then use MBOOT to transfer the full MODEM7 program to yourself, and make the same changes to it. ---------------------------------------------- Here are the MODEM7 values to patch for KCOMP. 04H MODEM DATA PORT 06H MODEM STATUS PORT 04H BIT MASK: READY TO SEND 01H BIT MASK: READY TO RECEIVE ---------------------------------------------- We connected the KAYPRO serial port directly to an H-89 serial port as follows: KAYPRO H-89 2 to 3 3 to 2 5 to 4 20-6-8 (JUMP ALL 3) to 20 ...and transferred several files at 9600 baud. We did not try 19200, might work OK. ---------------------------------------------- .