NSWP2 for the Kaypro 10 or ADM3A terminal ========================================= As supplied, NSWP2 does not use the inverse video sequences, you must alter the COM file with DDT first. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// How to set-up NSWP2.COM to show $SYS and $R/O files with inverse video for the Kaypro 10 (and the brand new Kaypro 4). All you need is DDT.COM and a copy of NSWP2.COM. A0>DDT NSWP2.COM -S104 this is the inverse on sequence 03 03 means a three-byte video sequence 1b 1b is hexadecimal for escape 42 42 is "B" 30 30 is "0" . entering a "." exits SET mode of DDT -S10b this is the inverse off sequence 03 1b escape 43 "C" 30 "0" . -g0 g0 exits DDT and returns to CP/M warm boot A0>SAVE 42 NSWP-K10.COM (NOTE: You may also specify a 4-byte video sequence and add "B1" and "C1" calls for half intensity inverse video) That's it ... plain and simple. Now any files with the $SYS, $R/O, archive, or any other bit set will show up with an inverse video block in the filetype extension when listed with NSWP2. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Also to make the screen clear when NSWP2 signs on, set the following memory locations as shown: 1D13H = 20 1D14H = 20 1D15H = 20 1D16H = 20 1D17H = 1A <-- this is the clear screen call 1ah or 26 decimal ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Many thanks to Dave Rand for this FINE utility program, I would be lost without it on my hard disk drive. Steve Sanders 03/01/84 Tampa Bay Bandit Board RCPM .