Changes from 0.2.9: * Fail safe on attempts to inject HTML into hURL redirect pages (thanks Zachary Lee Andrews). Changes from 0.2.8: * Generates minimal caps.txt file, and can be overridden. * Fixes bug with mole SELECTOR variable when the client uses a tab instead of ? to delimit arguments. * Fixes potential security issue where gopherglobs can sometimes be caused to enumerate files outside of the server mountpoint, even though they can't be actually accessed. This requires a malicious local gophermap. Changes from 0.2.7: * Gophertagging support, allowing tags in gophertag files. * Patches for IPv6 (thanks Jeroen Schot and Koos van den Hout). This should be considered EXPERIMENTAL. * Patches for HTML compliance (thanks Sergey Matveev and Jeroen Schot). Changes from 0.2.6: * Properly builds on filesystems where // != / (PowerMachTen and others). * Corrects bug with hURLs making null hrefs in the generated HTML. Changes from 0.2.5: * Option to require executables to end in a chosen extension for filesystems with impoverished execute bits. * Stupid, stupid bug in gophermap handler evocative of Zune leap year code. * Improvements to configure.launchd. Changes from 0.2.4: * Version number mismatches in certain areas fixed. * No dot files should be served, really. * Better handling of large files (no more slurping). * Newline conversion won't insert too many \r's or on inappropriate files. Changes from 0.2.3: * New configure.launchd because Apple is dumb and killed any traces of inetd in 10.5, since inetd is actually useful and standard to many people. * Tweaks to the inside configure system for current versions and some small bugs discovered while working on the above. * No security or enhancement changes to the core engine. Changes from 0.2.2: * Error messages now correctly use itype 3, and are more user-friendly. * p and d itemtypes (for PNG and PDF respectively). Changes from 0.2.1: * Delay on hURLs lengthened to make their use by naughty people trying to obfuscate malicious URLs unattractive. One day all clients will be smart and the hURL-in-server kludge can die. * hURLs should really have a DOCTYPE in the generated HTML. * Embedded ? with arguments in hURLs now works. * Kludge to make unescaping %hex and + more intelligent and try not to do it unless necessary. Changes from 0.2: * One last bug related to Perl 5.8. * Directory listings didn't have properly sanitized filenames in some circumstances. Post-0.2 quick change: * Bug corrected in configure.xinetd snuck out of RCS. Proper version checked back in, dist re-run. Sorry. ^_^;; Thanks Alessandro Selli! Changes from 0.1-pr6: * Changes for Perl 5.8 compatibility. * Added gopher globbing to allow more sophisticated gophermaps. * Gophermaps with +x are now treated as moles for even more dynamic behaviour. * DNS antispoofing. * Sort option for directories. * Reconfigured and more consistent logging. * Smart linking to allow proper and logical treatment of symbolic links. * Cleanup of Bucktooth functions, the directory structure and Makefile. * Various custodial changes. * A few extra itemtype handlers. Changes from pr5 (more of a package update than actual code changes): * Small bug in environment variable handling corrected in buckd+documentation. * Minor updates to stuff/. Changes from pr4: * Potential security hole in gophermap handling fixed. * Taint checks now pass installation as root with Perl 5.6.1. Changes from pr3: * Bug in argument parsing for moles fixed. * Support for being run as a dependent program from within a proxy (like the Gopher Public Proxy). * Unassigned port bug fixed. * URL: style linking supported. Changes from pr2: * Slightly better relative path handling code. Changes from pr1: * Fixed a security hole in open() by making it sysopen() and dodging the issue. .