Bucktooth: How to upgrade from an old version of Bucktooth ---------------------------------------------------------- The transcript file that Bucktooth's configure suite generates (usually named something like transcript.0.configure) contains a log of your answers to the configuration questions asked by the configure suite. You can use this for the new configure of the upgraded version. - Unpack and untar the new Bucktooth. (Don't toast the old directory yet!) - Copy your transcript file to the new directory. - If you didn't write custom code into your buckd.in, skip this step. However, if you did make custom changes to buckd.in, then you will need to replicate those changes in the new buckd.in. Wield diff and get to work. Then: - Call the appropriate configure file with -d and the transcript file. For example, perl configure.xinetd -d transcript.5.configure.xinetd What will happen is that all of your old configuration options will be instantly selected for you, and your bucktooth, assuming you have write permissions to it, will be automagically overwritten with the new one. All new requests will occur with the new version. If configure complains that the transcript file is incompatible, that's because the question set in the new version has changed too much to use your old transcript and you'll have to upgrade manually. Sorry :( .