The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit September 10, 2010 Peace Rallies and Interfaith Vigils Planned For Sept. 11 Anniversary -------------------------------------------------------------------- And peace rallies and interfaith vigils are being held across the country this weekend to mark the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks and to condemn Islamaphobia. Here in New York, a coalition of more than 100 civic, religious, civil liberties and civil rights organizations will host a vigil tonight supporting religious freedom. On Saturday the Emergency Mobilization Against Racism and Anti-Islamic Bigotry will hold a rally near City Hall in New York just blocks from the proposed site of a new Islamic cultural center. In Florida the Gainesville Muslim Initiative is hosting an interfaith candlelight vigil for peace. The Network of Spiritual Progressives, which is chaired by Rabbi Michael Lerner, is calling on members to organize interfaith public readings of the Koran. Here in New York, Hesham El-Meligy is a member of the Building Bridges Coalition which is organizing a rally in New York on Saturday. Hesham El-Meligy: "I did not want to do anything on that day except have a respectful solemn observation with the familes and other people of concience in America and around the world. Unfortunately, I can not let people with agendas to attack and marginalize the Muslim community have an open platform without all of us people of concience standing up together and upholding American values of respect, tolerance, unity, freedom of religion. This is why we are coming on September 11 and doing this. There is no other way except that we had to. Somebody had to stand up for these American values." .