The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit May 18, 2011 Hundreds Protest JP Morgan Chase Tax Dodging And Foreclosures, Elderly Demonstrators Maced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over 800 homeowners, clergy, and workers protested outside JP Morgan Chase's annual meeting in Columbus Ohio Tuesday. The demonstrators called on the banking giant to stop dodging its corporate taxes and to stop foreclosing on over 100,000 Ohio families each year. Protester 1: “CEO Jamie Donovan made made $21 million in 2010. And not only that, he received $19 million in bonuses.” Protester 2: “Not only foreclosed on the property anyway, they walked away from the property and leaving me receiving notices from the city, if I don’t maintain the properties the state can take it from me.” Some of the protesters gained access to the JP Morgan meeting site by setting up a makeshift bridge to cross a small moat. Several elderly demonstrators were maced by police during the protest. .