The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit April 4, 2012 James Murdoch Resigns As Chair of BSkyB ---------------------------------------- Rupert Murdoch's son James has became the latest casualty in the phone-hacking scandal that has shaken Murdoch's News Corp. media empire. On Tuesday, James Murdoch resigned as chair of the British satellite broadcasting company BSky B. The move comes a month after he resigned as chair of News International. Up until last year James was seen as the heir apparent to his father's media empire. Porter Bibb is managing partner in an investment bank specializing in media ventures. Porter Bibb: "James Murdoch did not want to be seen to be forced out of office as chairman of BSky B, which might have been inevitable when the parliamentary committee's report comes out 10 days from now. He's also with his father, Rupert Murdoch, about to be called in front of the judiciary committee, the Leveson Committee to testify on bribing public officials and then there's the third investigation underway, the Metropolitan police, Scotland Yard is very close to charging at least some of the 28 people who have been arrested from various News Corp. entities." .