The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit February 14, 2012 Syria: Homs Faces Food Crisis as Attacks Continue -------------------------------------------------- Syrian government forces have reportedly attacked opponents of President Bashar al-Assad on several fronts, sending residents fleeing from one town near the capital and bombarding the city of Homs for an eleventh day running. Citizens of Homs are facing a humanitarian crisis. Food and fuel are scarce and most shops shut due to relentless shelling and rocket fire. At the United Nations, Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said Assad has been emboldened by what she described as the Security Council's failure to agree on collective action. Navi Pillay: "I am particularly appalled by the ongoing onslaught on Homs. Since 3 February, in further escalation of its assault, the government has used tanks, mortars, rockets and artillery to pummel the city of Homs. According to credible accounts, the Syrian army has shelled densely populated neighborhoods of Homs in what appears to be an indiscriminate attack on civilian areas." .