The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit February 3, 2012 Komen Officials Resign Over Planned Parenthood Controversy ----------------------------------------------------------- The nation’s leading breast cancer charity — Susan G. Komen for the Cure — continues to face a public backlash over its decision to cut off funding for breast cancer screening programs run by Planned Parenthood. It emerged this week Komen has withdrawn some $700,000 in funding for breast screening services provided by Planned Parenthood, citing a new policy barring funding for any groups under investigation. Planned Parenthood’s finances are currently the subject of a Congressional probe prompted by anti-abortion groups. A number of key members of Komen and its affiliates have announced their resignation, including Komen's top public health official, Mollie Williams; Dr. Kathy Plesser, a member of Komen's medical advisory board; and Deb Anthony, executive director of Komen's Los Angeles County chapter. Also Thursday, all seven of Komen's California affiliates issued a statement criticizing Komen's new policy denying grants to groups under investigation. As they try to contain the controversy, Komen officials have offered contradictory explanations for the decision to cut Planned Parenthood's funding. On Thursday, Komen President Elizabeth Thompson said the funding decision was unrelated to the Congressional probe into Planned Parenthood's funds. Komen founder Nancy Brinker, meanwhile, said the decision had nothing to do with political pressure and that Komen is only seeking to back groups that directly provide breast health services, instead of referrals. Planned Parenthood says it has received a flood of donations since Komen's announcement, with $400,000 coming in from online donors. New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg and the Lee and Amy Fikes Foundation have each made separate pledges of $250,000. .