The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit February 3, 2012 Holder Takes Heat from Congress for "Fast and Furious" Weapons Sting --------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified before Congress on Thursday for the sixth time on the controversial gun-sting operation known as "Fast and Furious." The operation saw U.S. agents encouraging the sale of thousands of guns to middlemen for Mexican drug cartels in an attempt to gain access to senior-level figures within Mexico’s criminal organizations. Eric Holder: "Now in some of my comments today if they sound familiar it is because this marks the sixth time I've answered questions about this operation before a congressional committee in the last year. Let me start, however, with something that cannot be said enough: Allowing guns to walk, whether in this administration or the prior one is wholly unacceptable." During Holder's appearance, House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa faulted him for the operation, which has been linked to the death of U.S. border patrol agent Brian Terry. In response, Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland defended Holder. Darrell Issa: "This committee has lost its patience to wait longer. We will not wait until next Groundhog Day to get answers for the American people, for Brian Terry, and for others." Elijah Cummings: "Mr. Chairman, although you deserve credit for exposing these operations over the last five years, we part ways on what we should do next. You now appear intent on escalating controversy and promoting unsubstantiated allegations in a campaign that looks more like an election year witch hunt than an even-handed investigation." .