The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit January 12, 2012 Nigeria Strike Day 4: Oil Workers Threaten to Shut Down Oil Production ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Nigerian oil workers have threatened to shut down the country's oil production as a general strike continues to crippled the country for a fourth day. Nigeria is Africa's top crude producer and is a key supplier to the United States. The strike against rising fuel costs and corruption have shut down most of Nigeria's banks, shops, airports and schools. According to accounts in the Nigerian press, at least 22 people have died since the nationwide protest began on Monday. On Wednesday, several hundred protesters took over a major highway leading to wealthy neighborhoods in Lagos. One protester at the demonstration held out a plate of rice and beans while condemning Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan. Nigerian Protester: "Jonathan is eating with three million everyday, this is what I'm eating, this is what I'm eating. We will fight, we will not stop until this ends, this must end." .