The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit January 12, 2012 Haiti Marks Two Years Since Devastating Earthquake --------------------------------------------------- Memorials are being held in Haiti to mark the two-year anniversary of the devastating earthquake that killed roughly 300,000 people and left more than 1.5 million homeless. Two years later, the recovery process is just beginning in parts of Haiti. Half a million people are still living in crowded camps. According to the United Nations, of the $4.5 billion pledged after the earthquake, only about $2.4 billion has been delivered. Only half of the debris littering the capital of Port-au-Prince and its surrounding areas has been cleared. Becky Wett spokesperson for the Red Cross: "You are right, two years after the anniversary, up to half a million people are still living in camps in Haiti, just like this one here in Mais Gate. The Red Cross has been working to de-congest camps, which means helping families leave the camps they are in and move to a more dignified, more appropriate, more sustainable solution. Here in this camp we have helped 1,500 families leave, that means mainly through rental support, providing financial support so that people can move to a nearby area, where most of them have come from anyway, and into a rental property." Haitian residents say entire neighborhoods in Port-au-Prince have been ignored during the recovery process. Otelier Herman, Center For Respect and Promotion of Human Rights: "Two years after, nothing has been done in the poorest neighborhoods. As a citizen within the poor neighborhoods, we have found that there was not a policy for housing and that's why so many people have died." .