The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit April 10, 2013 Most Borrowers to Receive Paltry Sum from Banks in Foreclosure Settlement -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Federal regulators have disclosed the terms of a major settlement with the nation's top banks for the wrongful foreclosures on the homes of millions of Americans. Around $3.6 billion will be shared among some four million borrowers potentially affected by the banks' misdeeds. About 80 percent of borrowers will receive token amounts of compensation, with payments as low as $300. According to regulators, at least 53 borrowers lost their homes even though they had not actually defaulted on their loans. More than 1,000 members of the military were also wrongfully foreclosed. Those borrowers will receive payments of $125,000. The settlement includes no admission of wrongdoing by any of the banks involved. Federal regulators shut down a review of the banks' practices in order to reach the settlement earlier this year. Recent government figures show wrongful foreclosures were far more widespread than regulators acknowledged, occurring at a rate of nearly one in three. .