The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit April 5, 2013 Connecticut Gov. Signs New Gun-Control Law ------------------------------------------- Connecticut has enacted its new gun-control law nearly four months after the shooting massacre at Newtown's Sandy Hook Elementary School. The measure requires universal background checks for all gun sales, increases gun registration, expands the state's ban on assault weapons, and outlaws any new sales of magazines with more than 10 bullets. At the signing ceremony on Thursday, Governor Dannel Malloy called the law a model for stalled gun-control efforts at the federal level. Gov. Dannel Malloy: "We have come together in a way that relatively few places in our nation have demonstrated an ability to do. In some senses, I hope that this is an example to the rest of the nation, certainly to our leaders in Washington, who seem so deeply divided about an issue, such as universal background checks, where the country is not divided itself." President Obama is due to visit Connecticut on Monday as part of his efforts to drum up public support for gun control nationwide. .