The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit August 9, 2013 Judge Hints Lynne Stewart Will Remain in Jail ---------------------------------------------- A federal judge hinted he may lack jurisdiction to grant attorney Lynne Stewart's request for compassionate release from federal prison so she can die from cancer at home surrounded by her family. Her prison physician estimates she has less than 18 months to live — a key requirement for early release. As supporters looked on from a packed courtroom during arguments Thursday afternoon, Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew Dember told the judge: "It's our position that Ms. Stewart has no authority to make the motion she has made, and your honor has no authority to consider it ... It is only the director of the Bureau of Prisons who has the authority." The Bureau denied the request earlier this year. U.S. District Judge John Koeltl at times appeared sympathetic to Stewart's request, but told her defense team, "If I grant your motion, I would be violating the plain words of the statute" instructing the court on when it can grant early release. At one point during the hour-long hearing, Judge Koeltl asked the prosecutor: "You don't think she has a strong argument for compassionate release, do you?" Dember replied: "There's no doubt Ms. Stewart is ill. No one's disputing Ms. Stewart's illness, your honor." This is Stewart's husband, Ralph Poynter's reaction after the arguments. Ralph Poynter: "The prosecution more or less said, 'Die or not, let's stick to the letter of the law.' And his interpretation of the letter of the law is that there was no way for a judge to intercede in the bureaucratic chain of the prisons. And that is a very difficult pill to swallow." [For more on the case, see Thursday's segment on Lynne Stewart] .