The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit July 25, 2013 Judge Freezes Legal Challenges to Detroit Bankruptcy Claim ----------------------------------------------------------- The judge overseeing Detroit's bankruptcy effort has frozen all legal challenges while the city seeks protection from creditors. Detroit's Chapter 9 bankruptcy filing has set off what could be a prolonged legal battle with thousands of current and former city employees whose pensions and medical benefits face major cuts. On Wednesday, Judge Steven Rhodes stayed all lawsuits against the Detroit, its emergency manager and Gov. Rick Snyder of Michigan during the bankruptcy process. Outside the hearing, Detroit firefighter Darrell Freeman took part in a rally to save the pensions of public workers. Darrell Freeman: "Everything Gov. Snyder and Kevyn Orr is doing is illegal and unconstitutional. We're down here to stand up for our rights as city workers, from the fire department. I'm a 29-year veteran. It's absurd they're trying to take away our pensions away, and that was the governor's plan from the beginning." .