The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit March 28, 2013 Anti-Keystone XL Protester Climbs Flagpole to Denounce Tar Sands Oil --------------------------------------------------------------------- Protesters are continuing to ramp up their resistance to the Keystone XL pipeline — which would carry tar sands oil from Canada to Texas — as they await word from President Obama on whether he will approve it. In Houston, Texas, Wednesday, a protester climbed a 50-foot flagpole and hung a banner denouncing a firm that processes tar sands oil. Lyondell Basell is reportedly planning an upgrade that will allow it to process nearly a quarter of the pipeline’s capacity. The group Tar Sands Blockade accused the company of "environmental racism" for polluting a largely Latino area. On Wednesday, the street in front of the firm’s office was blocked off as firefighters used a ladder to remove protester Perry Graham from the flagpole. Before his ascension, Graham said his act was connected to a wave of actions against the Keystone XL last week. Perry Graham: "By taking action today, I hope to call people to action. We just had a week of action where we saw over 55 actions across the country and over 60 people get arrested, sending a clear message to anyone who hopes to invest in tar sands that resistance will only continue if they do try to profit off other people's suffering." .