The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit March 6, 2013 Rand Paul: Obama Admin Response on Drones "More Than Frightening" ------------------------------------------------------------------ The Justice Department meanwhile has responded to requests from Republican Sen. Rand Paul on whether the government’s drone program can target Americans on U.S. soil. In a letter to Paul, Attorney General Eric Holder said such a strike would only be possible in a "extraordinary circumstance," like an attack on the scale of Pearl Harbor or 9/11. In response, Paul called Holder's refusal to rule out domestic drone strikes "more than frightening." Paul says he intends to sponsor legislation barring drone attacks in the United States, and will try to filibuster John Brennan's CIA nomination when it comes up for a vote. .