The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit March 7, 2013 Holder: Obama to Answer Soon on Assassination Program ------------------------------------------------------ A number of senators joined Rand Paul throughout his effort. Democratic Sen. Ron Wyden said although he supports John Brennan's nomination, he still wants the White House to release more legal memos on the assassination program. Sen. Ron Wyden: "Every American has the right to know when their government believes that it is allowed to kill them. So now the executive branch has gradually provided Congress with much of its analyses on this crucial topic, but I think more still needs to be done to ensure that we understand fully the implications of what these heretofore secret opinions contain and we have a chance to discuss them, as well." Appearing that same day before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder pledged that President Obama will soon explain the legal rationale underpinning targeted assassinations. .