The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit November 20, 2013 Afghanistan Seeks U.S. Apology in Long-Term Security Pact ---------------------------------------------------------- The White House and Afghanistan are reportedly close to an agreement that would allow continued U.S. raids even after most American troops withdraw in 2014. Under the deal, the United States would continue raiding Afghan homes under "extraordinary circumstances" to save lives. In return, the Afghan government has asked President Obama to write a letter apologizing for U.S. operations that have killed or injured Afghan civilians. The Obama administration is reportedly considering the demand. But speaking on CNN, National Security Adviser Susan Rice said the United States will not apologize to Afghanistan. Susan Rice: "No such letter has been drafted or delivered. There is not a need for the United States to apologize to Afghanistan. Quite the contrary, we have sacrificed and supported them in their democratic progress and in tackling the insurgents and al-Qaeda. So that is not on the table." U.S. and Afghan officials are rushing to complete the security pact so it can be put to a vote by a council of Afghan elders known as a loya jirga. As part of the agreement, the United States is seeking to maintain a number of military bases in Afghanistan beyond 2014. .