The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit November 6, 2013 Toronto Mayor Refuses to Step Down After Admitting Crack Use ------------------------------------------------------------- The mayor of Canada's largest city is refusing to resign after admitting he used crack cocaine. Toronto's Rob Ford has faced months of controversy following reports of a video showing him smoking from a crack pipe and making bigoted remarks. Toronto police recently announced they had recovered the video after arresting a Ford associate on charges of extortion. On Monday, Ford acknowledged his crack use to reporters. Toronto Mayor Rob Ford: "Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. But, no, do I? Am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Probably in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago. I answered your question. You ask a question properly, I'll answer it. Yes, I've made mistakes. All I can do now is apologize and move on. I don't know — woah, guys, woah, woah, OK, can I just — all I can say is I've made mistakes. And you guys kept referring to alcohol. There was a couple of isolated incidents. There's been times when I've been in a drunken stupor. That's why I want to see the tape." During the course of their investigation, police surveillance documented Ford exchanging packages with the man ultimately detained for extortion. At a news conference hours after his admission of crack use, Ford apologized to Toronto voters but rejected calls to step down, saying he plans to seek re-election next year. .