The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit April 4, 2014 Senate Intel Committee Votes to Release Parts of Torture Report ---------------------------------------------------------------- The Senate Intelligence Committee has voted to release parts of a report on the Bush administration's torture and rendition program. The panel voted 11 to 3 Thursday to declassify nearly 500 pages of the more than 6,000-page report, including its executive summary. The CIA will review the findings before their release, leading to fears they might redact large portions. The report caused a spat between the CIA and Senate panel, with Committee Chair Senator Dianne Feinstein openly accusing the CIA of spying on Senate staffers and deleting files. Speaking Thursday, Feinstein said the results of the investigation are shocking. Sen. Dianne Feinstein: "The report exposes brutality that stands in stark contrast to our values as a nation. It chronicles a stain on our history that must never be allowed to happen again. This is not what Americans do. The report also points to major problems with the CIA's management of this program and its interactions with the White House, other parts of the executive branch and Congress. This is also deeply troubling and shows why oversight of intelligence agencies in a democratic nation is so important." Mc Clatchy reports the Senate probe concluded CIA officers illegally detained 26 prisoners and used interrogation methods that were not approved by either CIA headquarters or the Justice Department. .