The original content of Democracy Now! Headlines appears under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (United States). For more, including their other shows and media, visit August 19, 2014 Obama Hails "Major Step" as Kurdish, Iraqi Forces Retake Mosul Dam ------------------------------------------------------------------- Kurdish and Iraqi forces say they have retaken control of the Mosul Dam, reversing one of the Islamic State's key achievements in its sweep through northern Iraq. The apparent victory over the Islamic State, known widely as ISIL, follows the most intensive U.S. airstrikes of the bombing campaign that began earlier this month. The Iraqi government now says it has launched an operation to retake the town of Tikrit. At the White House, President Obama praised what he called "a major step forward" in Iraq and said he believes his decision to launch U.S. strikes is in the national security interest. Obama also said an escalation of U.S. involvement is "less likely" if the new Iraqi government adopts an inclusive approach. President Obama: "We've got a national security interest in making sure our people are protected and in making sure that a savage group that seems willing to slaughter people for no rhyme or reason other than they have not kowtowed to them, that a group like that is contained. … Our goal is to have effective partners on the ground, and if we have effective partners on the ground, mission creep is much less likely." .